~Chapter Twenty-five~

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Hayeon kept following Wooyoung until they reached a coffee shop.

"You want anything?" He asked.

"Whatever you have." Hayeon replied.

Wooyoung went to the counter and ordered their drink, which was simple black coffee.

Hayeon took a seat near a table for two and waited for Wooyoung to come back. She checked her phone and saw 16 missed calls, 8 from Hongjoong, 3 from Yuqi and 5 from her mother. Her eyes widened in horror before immediately calling Hongjoong.

"Where are you?!" He asked in his worried and stern voice as soon as he answered the call.

"Uhm...at a coffee shop with Wooyoung..." She answered nervously.

"Why exactly?" Hongjoong asked in a questioning manner.

"I don't really know, he was supposed to take me home but he came here and I followed him so yeah..." She trailed off once she saw Wooyoung coming to their table with the drinks in his hands.

"That little brat can't do anything right," Hongjoong sighed, "but are you okay? Do you have a headache or anything?"

"Yeah I'm fine, he gave me the medicine." Hayeon smiled at Wooyoung before bending her head a little to show thanks then recieving the drink from him.

"Alright, come home soon. Aunt and uncle are home and they want to see you." At this, Hayeon got a bit worried and gulped.

"O-Of course. See you, Oppa."

"Hmm, see ya Yeonnie."

Hayeon ended the call and glanced up at Wooyoung who stood up.

"Let's go." He said before walking to the door.

Hayeon nodded as she followed Wooyoung out of the shop. He started walking to a nearby park that was nowhere near Hayeon's house.

"W-Where are we going...?" Hayeon asked nervously because she was scared if Wooyoung might get mad at her.

"To the park." He simply answered before taking a sip of his coffee.

Once they reached there, Wooyoung sat on a bench and signalled Hayeon to sit next to him.

She timidly sat next to him, still confused as to why he suddenly came to a park and got coffee for them.

Hayeon slowly took a sip of her coffee and scrunched her nose a bit at the bitterness but still drank it anyway. If she could drink 3 cups of alcohol then this should be nothing.

"I wanted to tell you something." Wooyoung said abruptly which took Hayeon by surprise and made her choke on her coffee.

Wooyoung panicked a bit and rubbed her back soothingly but that didn't help her in any way, rather it made her coughing fit way worse.

Hayeon gently moved his hand from her back and tried to calm herself down.

"W-What is it?" She croaked out, rubbing her neck.

"I think...I might be regaining my memories..." Wooyoung said, looking at the ground with a small smile.

Hayeon looked at him with widened eyes. Then she looked at the ground too. She couldn't figure out what she wanted say to him.

"That's...t-that's...uhm great! W-Why are you telling me this though? Not that I didn't want to know anyways!! I mean-"

"I'm sorry I used to act like a jerk to you," Wooyoung cut off her rambling, "I don't know if the girl I see in my memories is exactly you though. She always wears this weird bead necklace that doesn't look like a necklace." Wooyoung started chuckling at the thought of the weird necklace.

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