~Chapter Five~

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The next day, Hayeon got up from bed and took out her Taehyung photocard from her album. She put it inside a small and cute envelope she made herself before placing the envelope inside her pencil case. Then she started heading for school.

Once she stepped outside her house, she saw a familiar blonde.


"I-It's Hayeon." She sighed.

"Sorry." Yeosang lowered his head.

"It's ok. Uhm..." She said as she took the small envelope out of her bag, which she set on the road.

"What are you-"

"Here." Hayeon gave Yeosang the photocard he wanted for so long.

"O-Oh. Thank you." He slightly bowed.

Hayeon nodded.

"Uh, I'll give Woo his one, then he'll give his one to you, I guess." Yeosang scratched the back of his neck.

Hayeon nodded again.

"I'm gonna go to Woo's house to pick him up. Wanna come with me?"

Hayeon didn't know what to do, she just met the boys yesterday. But she hesitantly nodded and walked beside Yeosang.

"So, since when were you an Army?" Yeosang asked.

"2014. Y-You?"

"Around the same time." Yeosang smiled.

They walked for about 5 minutes until they reached Wooyoung's house.

Yeosang knocked on the door and Wooyoung's little brother opened it.

"Hi Kyungmin! Where's Woo-"

"Hyungieeee!! Yeosangie hyung's here with his girlfriend!!" He screamed.

"S-She's my neighbour, Kyungmin..." Yeosang sighed while side glancing at Hayeon, who's face went beet red.

"What's your name, Noona?" The 7 year old asked.


"WHAT?! SANG, WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU HAVE A-oh, it's just you..." Wooyoung screamed while running downstairs before seeing his best friend and his new classmate.

Hayeon stared and waited for the boy to give her his photocard. Wooyoung looked at Hayeon with a confused look before opening his bag and taking out the photocard. He was about to give it to Hayeon when he realised something.

"Wait, where's my one?"

That left Hayeon a bit trusfrated-I mean frustrated and she poked Yeosang to give Wooyoung the photocard quickly so that she could have hers.

Yeosang sighed and took out the Jimin photocard and gave it to his best friend who smiled brighter than the sun and literally hugged the photocard before putting it in his bag.

Hayeon coughed and she kept her hand out, still waiting for the photocard. Wooyoung rolled his eyes and gave the girl her long awaited photocard.

Hayeon isn't the type of girl to lie, so she would definitely tell you that she felt tingles in her stomach after receiving the photocard from Wooyoung. Probably because she got excited to finally have a photocard of her bias. Hayeon also smiled brightly before putting the photocard in her bag.

The trio walked side by side, Yeosang in the middle, to their school.

"Finally I got my Jimin photocard!!" Wooyoung squealed in happiness and he slightly bounced.

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