{2 The Mysterious Strangers}

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Lawrence Gale

Lawrence had only heard tales of the Volturi and of their victory over the Romanian and Egyptian covens, the nomad had never come across a coven before never mind one as powerful as those of the members stood before him now, most vampires only choosing to travel either alone or alongside their mates. The humans never really posed a threat and it wasn't like anyone hid who they were, hell, even the Dacian Coven were open about what they were to the humans before they were destroyed. So overall there was very little reason to group together, life was pretty safe for a nomad so long as they followed the newly appointed law.

But looking at the collection of vampires before him he could see the appeal. Their leader seemed charismatic enough, albeit a little strange and the idea of such powerful immortals living together would provide uncontested protection. He wasn't planning on staying long, but little did he know that passing through Italy would have had such great consequences.

Aro Volturi

Aro was looking for people he thought might show gifts or talents once turned, and Lawrence had an idea of who might fit that criterion. There were a set of twins and a woman that showed great promise in the village Lawrence just finished scouting and subtly feeding on. Even as mere toddlers Aro himself could see the almost psychic aura that surrounded the pair, but due to his own ruling he couldn't turn the twins so young.

Naturally, he decided to keep an eye on them as they grew and he wasn't disappointed. Their psychic nature was potent even as humans. It was almost like they could alter the luck of who they interacted with even if they didn't do so of their own volition. He saw through Lawrence's eyes how the baker's bread burned several times each day he would insult the twins, or how the woodworker's tools would break after each snide comment. On the opposite side of the spectrum, he could see the herbs growing in the apothecary's shop thriving despite the less than favourable weather conditions or how she would find loose coin and other trinkets hidden around the shop or how the butcher's daughter would find extra medicine that she wasn't given.

The twins had strong energy about them and it was something Aro wanted. The woman they shadowed also showed some interesting potential, even without the certainty of her being a talented immortal, he might just be able to use her as a means to keep the twins loyal. However now, time was of the essence. It was almost impossible to miss the constant chatter that lingered in the air. The townsfolk were up to something, something dangerous. Aro decided that he would take Caius and a few trusted members of the steadily growing guard to keep an eye on the trio until the time came to change them.

Adela Gascoigne

It was a morning just like any other, John was off working as per usual, the twins were helping me around the shop and the neighbours came to collect their orders. Maybe I was thinking far too hard on the matter but I couldn't help but wonder if Mable was right. Maybe this town did need some excitement to break up the monotony of life. Each day was just last the last and the same cycle would repeat itself over and over again until I passed.

"Adela, Adela! Have you heard, have you heard?" Mable came calling almost twice as excited as she was the day prior.

"What is it now Mable?" I asked lightly as she swept into the shop.

"There have been rumours of two devilishly handsome men lurking just outside the village, always hidden in the tree line" She whispered much like she was telling a scandalous tale, and due to the marital status of many of the village woman, it just might be.

"How dull" the twin chimed in, turning from their spot near the staircase in sync.

"No no not dull, exciting" Mable corrected joyously. Sky eyes sparkling in an innocent and almost childlike way. "Think of all the possibilities, maybe they are travellers from other lands with stories to tell, or maybe they are valiant heroes or dastardly villains, just think of all the possibilities" She wondered out loud, head flying straight into the clouds again.

"Like the possibility that they are the reason Miss Abbott went missing two nights ago" Jane stated bluntly with an unimpressed look on her face.

Stifling my laughter at the upset look on the older girls face I lightly reprimanded the tiny blonde "We cannot just accuse random men of being kidnappers Jane, no matter how strange they may be" I gently tapped her nose with a smile before beginning to count what stock I had left.

"What if they actually come into town though? Where do you think they hail from?" Mable continued in the corner with her fantasies.

"Well if that were the case Mable then I'd say for once you have pretty good chances, you are one of the few single women in the entire town" I jested.

"Oh could you imagine" she gushed with flushed cheeks and a merry face "It would certainly be better than the boys here" she continued.

"Well I have to make a house visit for Mr Golde, would you two be able to keep watch while I'm gone?" I asked not wanting to force them to stay.

"You can count on us" They responded happily, still continuing to sort through herbs like it was muscle memory.

"Thank you very much, I shan't be long" I gave them each a quick kiss on the temple before grabbing my small basket of supplies needed for my visit to the Goldes. As I made my way through the streets and up past the houses I could not help but let my mind wander back to what Mable said earlier. It wasn't often people went missing in our town, as we didn't truly have anything of significance to most people. It was unfortunate what happened to Miss Abbott, the girl was only young. However, now it was better to focus my best efforts on keeping the twins safe.

As I came within sight of the Golde's house I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching me. As they were situated closer to the outskirts of town they were often the most susceptible to wild animals and other pests coming in from the forest. But what would have usually been a welcoming sight felt rather uncomfortable. Looking around in paranoia I caught a glimpse of something in the trees both black and white, but just as quickly as I had seen it, it disappeared and the feeling of being watched vanished.

Hurrying along I knocked on the door before waiting patiently for someone to answer.

Thank you for reading~

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