{6 Steps in the Right Direction}

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Adela Gascoigne

For the first time in a long while, I felt content and stress-free, the idea of getting but one day off of work seemed like a luxury that I could have not normally afforded. However, Caius and his brother Aro had reassured me that their friends would have no problem covering the small number of daily orders, and they seemed capable enough when I questioned them on basic botanical knowledge. I also think that Alec and Jane would be happy to have a day outside of the village and away from the scathing eyes that followed their every move. Jane especially, being the more emotionally expressive twin, had an excited gleam in her eyes as she and her brother entered the apothecary.

Caius took us to where he and his brother were staying, off near the river down south of the village. Looking upon the rich green trees as they blended into the flowing river banks I was filled with awe at the beautiful sight in front of me. It all seemed so surreal and calming, I can only imagine what it would get like to be treated by such gorgeous sights each morning. Something that would be much better than waking up to ungrateful old men and their constant complaining. There were several wooden cabins that had been constructed not too far from the river banks, each one looking quite luxurious despite their rather humble size. The wood on each cabin had been stained black with red accents where applicable. It was clear when looking at them which two belonged to Aro and Caius as they were slightly bigger than the others surrounding them.

It was also nice to see Alec and Jane being so carefree, they both had curious smiles on their faces as they looked upon the fish swimming through the meandering waters. The youth was brought back to their smiles now that they could relax in the presence of Aro and his friends. It was something I had come to admire about the man. Although he could be rather strange at times and possessed a rather childlike sense of wonder at times, he never judged the twins as the others did. He in fact seemed rather interested in them, asking about their likes and dislikes and their future ambitions. It gave me a renewed sense of hope that one day they could live out their lives free of superstitious nonsense and be valued just as themselves.

My melancholy thoughts were interrupted by the gentle touch of Caius' hand on my elbow as he tried to grab my attention. He led me to a clearing away from the prying eyes of those around us so that we could speak more privately.

"May I ask what troubles such a remarkable mind?" He asked gently with a faint smile on his porcelain face.

"What do you think of guilt Caius" I questioned almost inaudibly to the blonde man, not quite having the will to look him in the eyes.

"I would say that guilt is trivial and empty." He spoke in a velvet tone "Guilt is either for those who lack power for themselves or for those who submit themselves to the wills of others" He grabbed my chin with tenderness before bringing our eyes to meet "And who would make such a robust woman submit? Why do you feel such guilt, my love?"

"Because my heart beats for the man before me, yet as fate would have it I am taken by another, but for each moment I spend away from my partner I find myself not caring. I feel that what I am doing is unfair, to both you and him. Would you not too feel guilt?"

Caius scoffed before pulling me into his chest by my waist, hands not leaving me as he leant down to whisper sweetly in my ear.

"Your husband is a cheat and a fool, even you yourself have acknowledged his constant absence. So no I don't feel guilt at all, not even a semblance of remorse, especially not if it means that I get to have your rapt attention all to myself"

The news that John had been unfaithful was not a surprise to me and it should have been. I guess there was a naive part of me that wished to push the idea away so that I wouldn't have to confront the possibility. No one wants someone else's leftovers. But less to my surprise I found that the news didn't hurt as one might expect it to, but rather I felt relief, the guilt that had been building up over the course of my newfound feelings seemed to be set free. Like a caged bird soaring into the newfound freedoms of the natural world.

"That's it, my love, let it go, a queen such as yourself should not feel such vapid emotions for filth such as him" He hummed moving one of his hands to thumb at my jaw.

"Surely a man such as yourself could find whoever he wants, why me?"

"What if I wasn't a man? what if I were the monster lurking out to capture a pretty little heart of a fine woman such as yourself. I promise I will explain to you everything once the time is right, but unfortunately, I must wait" Caius spoke darkly before pulling me into a kiss that evoked a new sense of emotion that I had never felt before. It was one of passion and primal protection, something that promised a lifetime of love by a single motion. My world seemed to realign and click into place as a newfound sense of purpose seeped into my mind. I belong with Caius, and he with me. Any doubt that I had from before about pursuing a relationship with the man in front of me vanished completely.

"I may not be the most forgiving or courteous of men. I know rage and war like no other before me and I will tear down anyone who stands against me, my love. But know this. Man or monster I will love you as completely and as utterly as I can. I have waited far too long to find you and I will not let you go so easily." His voice carried such determination and vigour that it was near impossible for my heart not to start beating out of my chest as I came to my senses after our kiss.

"And what if I said that I would love you just as wholly and unconditionally in return?"

"Than I will make you queen and never let you go"

Thank you for reading~

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