{12 The Hunt}

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TW: Gore

Adela Gascoigne

As Caius led me through the remains of the village I could see the reminiscence of flesh, now laying as scraps and rotting into the mud below us. What blood had been spilt and not drunk now lay caked and black almost everywhere in the centre. The ash from the burned pyres was scattered by the winds mixing into a savage scene of violence and remorse. The decaying corpses whose heads were still intact showed pure fear in their expressions. Something I could well and truly revel in now.

They had deserved it all.

"Now my love, take in her scent first" my attention snapped to Mable who was cowering and crying in the centre of town, her body paler than it once was, hair matted and skin blotchy and red from her continuous tears. Stepping closer to her I could smell her tantalising fear, mixing in with the sweet succulent scent of the blood pumping through her veins. Personally, though she smelt of overly floral flowers and freshly baked bread, but the pleasantness of her fragrance was massively overpowered by her fresh blood. "Remember to trust your instincts, you are built for this my love, your intuition will guide you to your mark. Don't worry about being messy on your first feed, the grace will come with practice, just make sure to trust your nose"

It was addictive. The way it made my mouth water and some hidden primal part of my soul was desperate to drink every last drop from her veins.

Caius opened his arm to be subtly, and I took my place beside him, leaning into his chest with my own as he wrapped his arm around my waist. His fingers were a comfort to me as they began to softly massage at my hip.

"Run" was the only other utterance from Caius as he looked expectantly at Mable. Who, looked incredibly overwhelmed before his words sunk in and she looked even more scared than before. Lifting her skirts clear of her ankles she began to stumble as she pathetically ran away. Almost slipping in the mud and quickly into the trees.  I growled softly at her retreating form, knowing my prey was slowly slipping further and further away from me, my newborn form almost wanting to snap at the man before me, almost.

"Patience my love, it only makes the reward more sweet" he mumbled softly into my hair before placing a delicate kiss to my temple, his other hand had come to play with the ends of my hair as we watched Mable run. The predator in me was ready, wanting nothing more than to locate the heartbeat in the woods, my hearing picking up the increase in rate as her heart was desperately trying to get oxygen to her frantically moving limbs.

Caius wordlessly removed all contact from my body and I took that as my queue to start hunting my prey. My body began to feel alien, each movement of mine was calculated and graceful, so much more so than when I had been human. The surroundings seemed to disappear as I zeroed in on my target, the blurs of the forest around me became pointless as I followed her floral scent.

Almost in the blink of an eye had I caught up to Mable, who in her desperate attempt had made it pretty far into the winding trees. But she would never be able to run fast enough away, not anymore. Looking back in panic she tripped over an upturned tree root and flat out on her back. Her panic was sweet in the air as she sat up and tried to crawl away.

I would see her lips moving and praying, begging for her life and forgiveness, but I couldn't truly hear her, not past my burning hunger and blinding rage. I slowed down just enough for her human eyes to perceive me, as I edged towards her. My long black dress and snow-white skin complementing themselves in my image of death. Her death.

I lunged straight for her neck where the pulse was strongest, dancing almost seductively under her skin. The lifeblood tasted almost euphoric as it gushed down my throat. The taste was incomparable to anything I had ever consumed as a human. If I had to compare anything to ambrosia, it had to be blood. The thickness and warmth felt more sustaining than anything else and I could feel myself grow stronger under its effects. Her struggling in my grasp only reminded me of my own struggles against the men that held me down and forced me to watch my children burn.

It felt empowering to finally be the one in charge of my own fate and actions. No longer would we have to suffer under the oppression of those ignorant to the truth. Mable quickly grew limp in my arms as I took all that she could give, once my feast was finally over I felt unstoppable. Each suck of blood from her veins only reminded me of my hatred of humanity, of their selfishness and greed. They deserved this, they should be grateful that we even give them the chance to serve us. They do nothing else of value with their lives they just take and take and take.

Now it was my chance to take, and take I shall.

Light footsteps caught up to me and I could see the handsome face of my mate step into view. Now happily sated I rose to him and gladly stepped into his loving embrace.

"Ready to head back my love?" He asked with a charming smile on his face.

Thank you for reading~

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