Small Vent/Potential Plagerism

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It has come to my attention that there is another Caius Volturi story on this site that has foundational aspects that are incredibly similar to this story. I finished writing Born in Flames in December 2022; this other story was completed in April 2023. The author of the other book also follows me which frankly feels too coincidental to be nothing. 

I do not want to assume plagiarism, and I am more than aware that there as plot points and elements of this other story that are nothing like my own, however, there are also many elements of this other creator's story that mirror my own.

Both female protagonists' names begin with the letter 'A'. This is a small, petty and almost completley ignorable detail until I start to look at the further similarities of the books. 

Both include the female protagonist's husband before Caius being named John. 

Both Female protagonists have the ability to break shields/mental barriers and control fire (it is important to note that in this other story, Caius cannot also control the fire).

Both female protagonists own and run an apothecary in their human lives where Alec and Jane help out.

Both books start with Edward and Bella discussing the Volturi portrait where the female protagonist is first introduced. 

Both female protagonists go on to persecute the children of the moon after Caius is attacked. (This point,  I am not claiming as my own as in canon Caius is attacked by the COTM and does proceed to hunt them down. It's just suspicious that both female characters carry out this attack while Caius is in a comatose state.) 

After the newborn attack in Eclipse, both female characters join the guard, they finish their chapter with the line "Why do I smell mutt", in this same scenario in Born in Flames chapter 21 the chapter is finished with the line "Why can I smell mutt Carlisle?". Both chapters have incredibly similar ending lines following the exact same scenario of the queens confronting the Cullens in the clearing.

Both books include a POV from Carlisle where he visits the reservation to warn the pack of the respective queens' arrival in which they make a promise to keep Bella and Jacob separated for the duration of their visit.

Both female protagonists choose to watch over the Cullens after the newborn battle with Alec, Jane and Caius. 

As stated in the beginning I am aware that this other book also has characters, plot points and scenarios that are different from Born in Flames, however, I find it incredibly sceptical that this author who also follows me just so happens to also write a Caius fanfiction that shares so many similarities after I have written Born in Flames. I think this aspect is what upsets me the most as I know that they are actively aware of my existence on this platform. 

This situation is incredibly frustrating for me as not only do I not just want to accuse someone of plagiarism as I would also not want someone to wrongly accuse me of plagiarism, but the fact that an account with far more views and followers than me could just potentially copy aspects of my work that they like and use them near identically is upsetting. 

I am and will always be grateful to those who choose to read, comment and recommend my works as I am simply posting on here for a love of writing. But I am also aware of the fact that I have not always been consistent in uploading due to my completing my degree. I always want to do right by the people who read my work and continue to support my uploading to Wattpad and other platforms, despite my often inconsistent postings and lack of community interaction. I suppose even online and anonymous I cannot seem to escape my social awkwardness haha. 

I just hope that another situation like this doesn't happen again in the future as I would hate to stop posting due to people plagiarising my work. 

Thank you again for the continued support of my work and for reading my small rant~

Born in Flames / / C.  VolturiWhere stories live. Discover now