{19 The Final Destruction}

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Caius Volturi

Upon the painful awakening of Caius, he noticed two things. One was that the last of the venom needed to repair his broken body was still crawling through his veins, pulling together the last scraps of damaged tissue back to their original flawless state. Caius hadn't felt this kind of ache since his mortal life and he desperately hoped to never feel it again. The other was the slightly detached aura that filled the castle halls. Something had happened while he had been comatose, and he could almost sense Aro's unease from deep within the castle walls and it took a very special course of action to send the monarch into disarray. The Volturi guard who had been tasked with watching him, whose name he did not know, was startled upon his sudden awakening, clearly not expecting him to arise so suddenly. The small vampire quickly jumped up before frantically calling for his brother and mate.

As Aro and Adela entered the room he couldn't help but take notice of his brother's disjointed behaviour. His face held a near unnoticeable anxiety as he approached almost cautiously, while his mate on the other hand joined his side almost immediately with a radiant smile on her face. To someone who hasn't known Aro as long as he had he might have looked relatively calm or apathetic maybe, but Caius could see past his iron facade, the twitch of his fingers near invisible as he fiddled with the cuff of his sleeve. "It is good to see that you have survived brother, but I shall give you a moment, once you are ready we will need to have a discussion" then with a tight-lipped smile and barely contained restraint Aro field the room. He had been right, something had happened.

Upon looking at his mate Caius was filled with the same sense of awe as he had when he first laid eyes upon her. His dreamless sleep had seemed like an eternity of endless voids and unconscious longing. His centuries before that tiny village seemed to blur away into distant thoughts after meeting his mate and the abyss of his coma had brought to light just how much of his world revolves around his family. Her beaming smile seemed to soothe away the ache that loomed through his bones as his very being longed for her presence even in his near death.

"I'm so glad you are finally awake" Adela smiled, every ounce of tension and anger smoothly falling from her face only to be replaced with a newfound sense of happiness and relief.

"As am I my love, have I missed much in my absence?" he asked, curious about the frosty atmosphere that seemed to be radiation from his brother. Adela seemed to perk up even more before describing the horrors that had occurred over the two weeks he had been comatose, every wretched murder, each pack, rogue and nomad who had been slaughtered in response to the wrong doing of the mutt lurking through the Ukrainian forest.

"And if you had perished? What would you have expected me to do then?" He whispered almost sorrowfully to his mate, a new sense of horror that he had never experienced, brought about by the mere thought of the death of his mate. But before she could tuner a response Caius pulled her closer into his chest. "But I am so, so proud of you my love"

Aro Volturi

Aro was left completely speechless at the sight before him, never in his centuries of unlike did he ever think he would come across such unrelenting destruction as he looked on at the pair of immortals before him. It was almost pathetic really to see such a large and imposing child of the moon cowering on the floor, begging for its life in the way that Lyall was. His status as alpha seemed completely arbitrary as his pitiful whines of pain and fear echoed throughout the castle remains. Yet the king could not find it in himself to look away from the sight, he had never seen such a gift before, that could manifest between two people. Yet as Aro looked at Caius and Adela as they stood above the cowering mutt he couldn't deny the fear that washed through his very bones at the fire that burned between their fingertips.

Aro had never felt fear from Caius not only due to his giftless nature but due to the fact that his loyalty to the Volturi ran deep and ultimately so long as no one touched his family then he could be rather agreeable, but seeing the destruction that he and his mate were able to create together sent genuine terror into his soul. The flames seemed to jump between their skin like lightning, licking harmlessly off their porcelain fingers while also burning anything else it touched.

Aro admittedly saw Caius' giftlessness as a sort of blessing, that the blonde immortal's cruel and sadistic ways would only be acted upon more if there was something else to back up his strength. He had no doubt that if Caius had embodied a gift then it would have been a physical talent. Aro also felt a sense of relief when Adela's gift had manifested as a defensive talent, something that could be used to protect the Volturi. But never in his wildest of dreams could Aro have imagined the scene before him. Maybe he had been to unassuming in his earlier days with his coven mates. While he would not admit it to himself by Aro found most of his authority lying within the fact that he arguable had the strongest talent amongst the monarchy of the Volturi, Adela had a shield while Marcus could sense relationships, so amongst them, his limited telepathy had served as the driving force in keeping their coven alive. Sure he knew that so long as he had Adela and Caius he also had the twin's offensive talents, but there is only so far that you can push the mind of a thirteen year old. Especially with the protective nature of their parents, keeping a watchful eye out on anyone who would dare take advantage of their gifts.

But Aro had no choice now expect to watch on in horror as he watched the fire consume everything in it's path, and he could only hope that this would be the last of what is to come.

Thank you for reading~

My first semester is finally over and after 12,000 words of pure essay, I am free! Until May anyway. Thank you for having patience with me while I continue to slowly write this book, I hope that this update was worth the wait and I will continue to try and improve y writing as I continue.

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