{18 Genocide}

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Aro Volturi

TW: slight gore

Aro knew that he shouldn't have been surprised at the actions that had taken place, Adela was far more charismatic than most would want to admit after knowing of her more volatile and more apathetic natures, but seeing the whole of the Volturi united in one act of genocide was far more terrifying than the monarch would like to admit. Yes, he reasoned this would push the Volturi's reputation as strong and worth adversaries to new heights as there was not a single other coven that could pull of a mission of this magnitude. But faced with the grim reality of what was happening was enough to turn even his own stomach. The sounds of flesh tearing apart by clawed nails rung nauseatingly throughout the snowy forest around them as Adela tore each wolf apart with near blinding ease.

It was like a sea of red strung together in the worst kind of ways. Each meaty chunk of flesh that hung from the trees and sunk into the snow in a malicious act of defiance and vengeance were becoming putrid in their decay. The endless trail of wolf corpses seemed to litter the forests with seemingly no end. Adela had been ruthless in her crusade almost as if Caius spirit himself were driving her actions forward in her rage. The red-haired queen although callous and guarded after the trauma of her human life, was often far more reasonable despite her impassive face. She didn't often express her rage in the same manner that her mate did either. Caius, while openly sadistic and cruel, never had a problem expressing whenever something or usually someone angered him, he saw no reason to. Aside from his mate, who usually sided with him regardless, and his brothers there was no one else above him to kneel down to and obey. So why shouldn't he let his rage burn, it would simply be to the consequences of whatever poor soul was responsible regardless. But Adela preferred the more logical approach to her rule. She was sharp-witted and methodical, often critical of others and their actions, she had no issues letting someone know when she thought them or their actions to be stupid and beyond comprehension, but angry was not something that was often used to describe her.

But looking at her now Aro knew no other way to describe her. The fires used to burn the bodies of the deceased echoed behind her like the physical manifestation of her feelings. Once hot blood now caked her body, running sticky down her arms and covering her face. Her usually emotionless eyes now glared at the furred masses beneath her feet and she practically spat venom at their mere presence, and she had spared no expense. Aro was astounded by just how much information Adela had managed to gather in such a short amount of time and Aro was almost certain that they had exterminated every child of the moon across Europe.

But she never seemed sated.

Not even after the hundreds of corpses that the Volturi left behind in their wake their always seemed to be something missing, just out of her reach that only seemed to fuel her tyranny further.

"How many more...pursuits are left before your objectives are completed?" Aro asked her gently, keenly aware that the woman was extremely temperamental.

"I will not stop until every single child of the moon is dead" she answered solidly "But if you want a more finite answer then there is just one more...pursuit left. His name is Lyall, think of him as the original child of the moon, and once he and the rest of his pack are gone then my mission will finally be satisfied." Adela's face held a self-satisfied smirk at the thought of finally ridding of all the mutts. It was an expression Aro was slowly becoming to fear.

While he knew that Adele would never make an attempt to push past her current position of authority, it made Aro anxious to know just what she was capable of. Her gift was defensive by nature but Aro could not name another vampire that would be able to use a shield so offensively as demonstrated earlier when Adela created a shield around a larger wolf only to shrink the shield in on itself causing the mutt to be crushed like a cockroach underfoot. Although her physical fighting ability came from years of training with Caius, her own sheer creativity and morbid ingenuity lead to some rather grim experiments. Aro feared that if push came to shove then Adela would be more than capable of rounding up the Volturi to go wherever she needed, she already had Alec and Jane, the two strongest and most capable of the guard as he children. If she and her family were to leave then the Volturi's defences would be greatly weakened.

So Aro decided that he must allow for her to do what she must to ensure that her loyalty would remain tied to the coven, as Corin and Chelsea's gifts could not help him here. He did care for Adela of course he did, especially after the centuries that they had known each other, but with each passing day and for every sadistic, self-satisfied and pleasured killing that she committed Aro had to question just how well he knew he at all. She seemed like someone completely different as she danced through her fights with gleeful yet ruthless borderline reckless abandon.

Yet here he stood, Aro Volturi one-quarter of the Volturi monarchy, helplessly waiting for this genocide to be finally over.

Thank you for reading~

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