{20 Power Play}

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Edward Cullen

Edward had heard the horror stories that the Power of the Volturi had conjured up over the years, however, he was too foolish to truly believe them. But now he was trapped in their lair he had slowly begun to reevaluate his priorities.

"Enough" Jane called, her voice was strong and authoritative despite her child-like appearance "Aro sent me to see what's taking so long" he snapped before turning to walk away.

"Just do as she says" whispered Alice,

"Don't be scared" Edward whispered to Bella.

"Are you?" She replied, nervous at the idea of what could happen.

"No" He sounded confident, believing that his relation to Carlisle could save him.

Jane scoffed at the members of the Cullen clan, clearly repulsed by Edward himself the most.

.The tension was thick and highly uncomfortable, with an unspoken understanding that whatever was about to happen wasn't going to be ending happily. The elevator seemed even more claustrophobic due to the open hostility of the Volturi, Edward knew that what he did was wrong, but he never actually committed the crime, so he was naively hoping and almost confident in the fact that they would be walking out the castle that day.

As they were escorted through the foyer they were greeted by a friendly-looking Italian woman, Edward had knowledge of the Volturi secretaries and almost pitied the women.

"Is she human?" Bella asked.

"Yes." Edward was rather blunt in his response.

"Does she know?" Bella continued.

"Yes." This time he seemed almost reluctant to reply.

"Then why would...she wants to be" Bella finally put the puzzle together.

"And so she will be" came Demetri's smooth interruption.

"Or dessert" Jane smirked to herself, the conversation falling silent as they come to a set of rather large glossy looking oak doors into the same marble room that Edward had been pleading for death in but moments earlier.

He needed no introduction to the four monarchs sat before him as Aro knowingly smiled at his returning presence.

"What a happy surprise! Bella is alive after all. Isn't that wonderful, I love a happy ending they are so rare" came Aro's joyous celebration as he took Edward's hand.

Bella Swan

"La tua cantante" His eyes lighting up in wonder "Her blood appeals to you so much. It makes me thirsty. How can you stand to be so close to her?" His voice was soft and smooth, a direct result of Aro's preferred theatrics.

"It's not without difficulty" Edward croaked with an almost snarky undertone.

"yes, I can see that" Aro continued to hold Edward's hand eyes moving as if he were searching for something.

"Aro can read every thought I've ever had with one touch" Edward explained to Bella, before turning back to the vampire before him "Well now you know everything so get on with it" he finished.

"You are quite a soul reader yourself, Edward. Though you can't read Bella's thoughts. Fascinating" Aro's eyes flicked between Edward's and Bella's. The human could only feel unsettled by the sheer calmness of his voice and the look in his eyes as she cowered next to Alice.

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