{28 The Volturi Don't Give Second Chances}

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Adela Volturi

"Oh dear Carlisle, how did you allow for this to happen?" The saccharine smile on my face was manufactured in just the right way to cause Carlisle's ever composed demeanour to falter. The patriarch of the Cullen clan, looked like he would begin to sweat in sheer nervousness, if was able to. The already stone like muscles in his body slowly began to tense into further statuesque fear at the aftermath of his venom son's actions. "You know what Carlisle? I used to think Aro was being tactical or at the very least cordial when keeping you and your clan in his good favour after your departure from the Volturi. But know I know he is nothing more than a sentimental fool." Carlisle began to take a faux breath to speak but I held up my hand before he could try. "I have had enough of your excuses for now Carlisle. Aro's refusal to fall through with the punishment of your son has lead to you believing that you are above the law, you have not only been keeping this human in your midst for far too long, but she was not even his mate." I felt the comforting presence of Caius come to stand just behind he to me immediate left, his callous hand has come to rest on the small of my back. The once nervous tension from the encounter with the mutt leaving his body as his ever strong holding gaze fell onto the immortals before us. 

"And how do you know that, you don't even know what it is like to loose a mate, what Bella and I had was just as real as any other ma-" The bronze telepath's rant was choked off by his own cries of agony as he fell to the path. His pale skin contorting in ungodly ways as he tries to escape the pain. Jane and Alec had managed to slip just under the tunnel vision of the Cullen clan as they solely focused on what was once the human that lived among them. Even the ever impressive display of their gifts towards the wolves but moments ago was not enough to keep the twins in their short term memory.

A truly foolish act from a truly foolish coven.

"If Marcus had seen that you had been mates during your initial trial than Aro would have seen it. But she was not your mate boy she was an enigma to your mind and somehow managed to hold your attention just long enough for you to believe that she was your mate. As for your second point might I add, my mate is not dead because I simply sought out the source that threatened us. Speaking off Carlisle. Working with any kind of wolf kin, is a crime, and an especially damning one to committed with my knowledge. Yet you didn't warm the LaPush pack of this law before illegally requesting their help against the newborn army. You had better have a very good explanation for this one Carlisle"

"We had not wanted to involve the pack in our own battle, however Jacob had believed that Bella had been his imprint or that she would be of she would have just accepted him as her mate over Edward. Bella chose to inform Jacob of the battle against the newborns and under his own will he informed his pack leader of the incoming threat. The pack only agreed to help fight the newborns as their duty is to protect the people of LaPush and they couldn't risk any of the newborns attacking their people."

At the mention of his name everyone's eyes were drawn to the still furry corpse of the mutt in question, his dull eyes staring lifelessly into the forest as his body lay unmoving.

"Pity" The twins muttered apathetically, barley glancing in his direction.

"Well Carlisle, the Volturi do not give second chances, so how do you suppose we solve this matter? To ensure that justice has been served?" If the blonde patriarch could stammer he surly would have, golden hued irises darting wildly between the four of us as each word and their implications slowly sank into his consciousness. "You don't have an idea? Well I do Carlisle. I am simply over your son controlling your clan like he is the patriarch, you have let the actions of one incredibly naive and young immortal make too many choices for my liking, and quite frankly I do not trust him to not break the law and expose our secret, for the second time"

Clearly his instincts had finally clicked into place as the ever nearing and impending sense of doom began to crawl throughout his nervous system, clumsily, like that of a newborn deer, did Edward try to run. Ever used to being the fastest member of the Cullen clan. But Alec was just as smart as he was strategic having taken after his father after so many centuries and a think cloud of pitch black smoke cloaked around Edward's face as the sensory deprivation began to take over. One of his arms was restrained by Caius as I took his over arm and forced him to his knees with little resistance. Not that he could have if he wanted to. The smoke lifted in an elegant swirl back to Alec as Edward was once again granted his senses. The rest of the Cullen clan were smart enough to keep back, regardless of the painful dry sobbing of his would be mother and pitiful look of his seer sister. "Would you two like to do the honours?" I asked the twins gently.

Excitement seeped into jane's features as Edward's already deathly pale skin grew sickly grey under the strain of his own agony as the further illusion of clammy pale skin clawed from his face and down his neck. The tendons under his skin were bulging and contorting under the strain of his own pain. Alec moved to stand behind Edward and wrap his hands around the telepath's neck. Edward did not even seem to react to the hands at his throat and made even less recognition to the fact that his neck was twisted with incredible speed. His last moments of life were forever recorded on his face as his body collapsed under its own weight into the forest floor bellow us as his clan were all but helpless to watch the justice unfold before them. Too bored to drag out this long awaited trail, Caius and I set his body on fire as Alec carelessly threw his head into the pyre to finally put the Cullen's tomfoolery to an end. "We'll be taking our leave now dear Carlisle, I do hope this is the last time we must make this type of visit". The bow I gave radiated sarcasm as did the smile on my face.

I had had enough of my time in forks and was ready for my family and I to return to Italy, right where we belonged.

Thank you so much for reading~
This book will soon be at its end as I believe I am at the right place to start the ending. I have already began to write the first handful of chapters for my next story, which will feature Jasper as the male love interest, I will be flattered if you also chose to read this work when it comes out and I am grateful for those who continue to read all the works that I put out, thank you~

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