{24 Tensions Running Higher }

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Adela Volturi

For each day that Caius and I investigate the forests of Forks, we become closer to finding out what the Cullen's are hiding with the wolf pack. The scent of one particular juvenile mutt had began to get stronger each day as we got closer to the creek, we just needed to wait for the moment he would dare try to cross the border into Forks. Then we would strike forward with our plan. While Carlisle 'advised' that we not venture beyond the creek into the pack's territory, Caius and I have decided that is push come to shove and the mutt comes to Forks the four of us would 'interrogate' the boy. But to keep the current peace we would not enter La Push, instead choosing to deny the idea that we even gave the place more than a second thought. It was easy to keep the twins occupied watching the Cullens closely, Jane especially liked the power she had over the vegetarians. This left us with more time as they cannot try to interrupt or distract us from our goal.

"I have picked up the scent again, this time over the border, however he turned back quickly. The scent drops off cold after only thirty yards" Caius mummers in my ear as he comes to settle behind he, strong arms wrapped around my waist. I didn't even attempt to fight the smile on my face as I was once again reunited with my mate. 
"Hopefully soon he'll slip up and bring himself over, do you think it is the one obsessed with the human?" I enquired turning to face his handsome smile.

"Almost definitely" Caius agreed "How pitiful, to watch something so infantile pine after a blood bag" he grimaced at the thought of the wolves, brows setting with a deep frown. His eyes almost burned with a sense of disgust. While Caius was difficult to read from the outside, especially by those who do not know him, it was a pleasure to uncover the secrets that his eyes gave way to. Like decoding a closely guarded secret only few had the honour of seeing. Every time I looked into his crimson eyes I was reminded of the way the stars aligned in order for us to be mated, and the deep sense of love and tenderness that I feel stirring in my soul whenever I  was with him.

"Do you think they are mates?" not that I particularly cared for the girl, but I am weak for dramatic trails, they always make the end verdict just that much sweeter. After a few seconds of contemplation Caius finally spoke up.

"No. He wouldn't have let the girl fall into a vampires hands so easily if they were"

"But Marcus knows that Edward and the girl are not mated either"
"This is true. If I cared even the slightest I might just be intrigued" he joked with an easy going smile "But I suppose none of it will matter much soon any way my love, the Volturi do not give second chances"

Bella Swan

Bella saw Adela sat at a rather ornate looking table near the temporary cabin that had been set deeper into the forest, it was rather simple looking, but also held a typically gothic aesthetic that Bella assumed had been a staple of the Volturi. This was also the first time Bella had seen Adela without Caius, not that she saw the red head much regardless. The atmosphere was almost suffocating with the power that she extruded and as her crimson eyes snapped to her own Bella felt like she had already done something wrong simply by being there.

"What do you owe the pleasure of meeting me for?" She asked rather apathetically, if she weren't so inherently terrifying Bella might have noticed just how smooth and seductive her voice was. The second mistake that Bella had made within the span of about ten seconds was sitting down at the chair opposite the immortals. Caius' chair. Her eyes went from conveying no emotion at all to projecting a palpable amount of distain that made Bella feel as if she were to be sick.

"Would you invite a pig to sit at your table? A chicken, a cow? Would you converse with it?" Adela questioned with increasing contempt, looking down at her like she was no more than the livestock that she listed. Bella cursed her own sense of social awkwardness as she was pleading with her subconscious to just say something, almost crying out at her own mind so do anything but make strangled noises as she tried to grasp even the smallest of words. Adela merely looked away, deeper into the tree line before she continued to speak.

"Do you know that I have seen the likes of tyrant kings and ruthless dictators, I have bared witness to the worst of what humanity and corrupt power has to offer? I have seen men manipulated by the rule of the church and the fallout that follows men who simply follow orders with no regard of what the consequences may be, to those who cannot think for themselves? and yet here I am here, watching you all because you and your so called family can't even listen too nor understand simple basic law. Do you think you are so important that you can disrupt centuries of order? For one human girl" he gaze turned to Bella again and Bella felt her words seep into her very bones. The implications not following far behind.

"Please, just don't hurt him" her beg was pitiful to even her own ears as Bella attempted to plea to the vampire before her.

"I will kill this entire coven and make it look like an accident" she spat, threat as smooth as silk with the punch of a thousand men "But I was correct then, there is a 'him' lurking about, the mutt?" She taunted eyes dancing with fire, and it was truly then that Bella realised her third and final mistake of the day as she saw her terror filled face reflected in Adela's red eyes.

Bella should have never said anything to Adela to begin with.

Thank you for reading~

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