{29 The Return Home}

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Aro Volturi

I was unlike Aro to feel so anxious and tense in the comfort of his own castle surrounded by the safety of the guard. If he were still human Aro pondered to himself than he would be certain that his heart would be beating like the wings of a hummingbird. He felt a cold sense of adrenaline sink deep into the pit of his stomach as the weightless feeling of his fight or flight conjoined to further his anxiety. Aro never knew what to expect when both Caius and Adela left the castle walls with their children but the outcome never ended without justice being served. Aro supposed that he couldn't be too surprised reflecting back on the previous actions the Volturi had taken to ensure that those with gifts had joined their ranks.

Aro supposed that the mission has started simple. Send the elite guard out to monitor the rising threat of the Seattle newborns and stop them and their creators before they posed too much of a threat to their existence. It was only natural of course. It was the law. It was what needed to be done. But Aro was not a fool to realise that everything had expanded much greater than he could have known when Jane sent for Adela to join them in their mission. Jane and Alec adored their parents, while endearing, it always made Aro just that slightly bit unsettled that he had no true way of securing their allegiance to the coven. Adela's gift kept the influence of Corin and Chelsea away from her mate and children. While Aro loved his soul brothers and sisters and held his coven members close to his heart, he knew that if Caius and Adela chose to leave then he would be powerless to stop them. He couldn't stand up to the physical talents that their small family possessed.

But Caius setting off to leave but one day after Adela was enough to cause his anxiety to sky rocket. He would always be the first to admit that he still held his friendship with Carlisle in high regard, even after the blonde immortal left their clan all those centuries ago. But what Aro would not admit to himself was just how much he wished him to return. It was rare that someone chose to leave the comfort and security of the Volturi. But it was only natural that his compassionate gift would lead him out to far other places. It was a rare humanity that Aro had come to admire in immortal life. He himself was more than aware of those venom born who lacked any sense of previous humility and grace. Aro was far more lenient with the Cullen clan than he would dare to admit, but the idea of Adela and Caius working so close to their territory was what had truly send him into a panic.

It had only been a week before the small family returned. Jane most noticeably had a familiar pep in her step that was only brought about by the success of a good trial. Alec as his usual state was apathetic and reserved, but if you played close enough attention you could notice the hint of a smug aura. But most noticeably Adela and Caius had strolled in hand in hand, eyes freshly red and with a look of love and contentment. If you were an outsider looking in, Aro thinks, you wouldn't find anything in this scene amiss. It was simply the image of two loving Adults and their children, a picture perfect family dynamic. But Aro knew better. If the clan where to return to Volterra in such a good mood then they had served the ultimate justice.

"Welcome back brother, sister, I take it your mission went well?" Aro asked gently, fighting to keep his unease out of his voice as he spoke. As if snapped out of a trance, Adela and Caius finally took their attention off of each other to finally face the inky haired patriarch.
"The mission went wonderfully as expected Aro, and once again the word of Volturi justice will be spread and I can't imagine we will be questioned for our judgement any time soon" Although Adela spoke gently and relieved, Aro knew that the last part of her statement was in direct reference to how other, slightly bigger clans such as the Denali's had been questioning how a human had known of their existence for so long. Aro's smile turned ever so acutely tight lipped as he took Adela's already presented hand.

Images of her and Caius confronting the Cullens flooded his mind, he heard of their discussions of the shapeshifters, he saw her snide remarks to Isabella. But soon the more mundane memories were overtaken by the sight and smell of wolf blood splattering across the fresh grass, how the pack turned and fled into the woods as Jane unleashed her power against Edward. Frustratingly Aro could sense that certain memories and pieces of information where being withheld behind her shield, but there was nothing Aro could do about that but accept that Adela would only give up that information of her own volition. But the memories soon faded with the image of Isabella's lifeless body and Edward's body being cast into flame at the hands of Adela and Caius. To his relief Aro found that Carlisle was still left standing after the actions of his son and he supposed that after everything he had allowed the blonde monarch to get away with that this was the best possible outcome.

Donning a rather convincing relieved smile Aro released Adela's hand before addressing her and her mate "Well that is good news indeed, let us hope that we no longer need to deal with the Cullens or the shifters on the wrong side of the law" He noticed the sight twinge of sadistic pleasure creep into Caius bloody eyes as he reminisced on the trial.

"Yes, let us hope this is the last time we deal with the Cullens brother" The look on Caius face was friendly if not intimidating, but his honeyed words were enough to send Aro the final warning.

Thank you for reading~

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