{22 A New Deal}

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Adela Volturi

The stench of mutt on the wind was unmistakable, and I know for a fact that there are no more children of the moon left, certainly not in Forks. "Why can I smell mutt Carlisle?" As I turned to look at the blonde patriarch I could see the highly concealed yet deep-rooted panic on his face.

"There are no children of t-"

"I am fully aware of that fact Carlile, so what is it then? Because you'd be playing me the fool to assume that I of all people do not know where the children of the moon used to lurk" I spat, the anger consuming me in a way I was not fond of. Ever since the incident with Caius all those decades ago, I have not been able to purge the deep-seated resentment that burned in my bones at the mention of the wolves. Carlisle's facade was fading with each second he had to contemplate the next words to leave his mouth.

"There are a pack of shifters that live on the La Push residence, their scent leftover from their patrols must have carried over" He smiled, tight-lipped clearly trying to placate the situation. But that clearly wasn't the whole truth.

"Then why does it smell so strong Carlisle? Would you have me believe that it would carry over so strongly after so many hours of battle? Do you have a truce with the pack Carlisle? In order to save your little blood bag?" His gulp was near audible as I turned my eyes to dear Isabella who barely stood, cowering into the arms of Edward. His growls were offensive, though not particularly intimidating, but he would need to be punished in order to learn. Carlisle was far too lenient with his spawn. "Jane, Darling?"

He fell to the ground in pure agony leaving his blood singer vulnerable and alone, standing now without anyone to help her as Edward squirmed on the floor like a grimy worm. His venom father's face fell in the grim realisation that he had no power over me without Aro here, a lesson he would have to learn very quickly. "I am waiting on an explanation Carlisle"

"The pack protect La Push from vampires, newborn or otherwise, it is the duty of their bloodline. They may have been nearby in order to protect La Push from any of Victoria's army that could have been led astray by human scent during the fight" I pretended to find that idea agreeable. But I know he is lying to save face. If they have a truce with the shifters I will find out about it.

"Very Well Carlisle, but I suppose then you should have no problem with me staying in Forks just for a few days? I would hate for there to be any stray newborns threatening our secret" The smile on my face was nothing but a facade. Someone would have to learn that the laws are in place for a reason, if Aro will not enforce the law then I shall.

"I am sure that will not be a problem, Adela, there shouldn't be anything to find"

"I will be the judge of that Carlisle" I smiled, if only he knew what would be waiting for him tomorrow. "Come now, let us make our preparations" I turned to face my children and the guard, of course, with my gift Aro wouldn't be able to see my thought process anyway, and he wouldn't dare touch Alec and Jane with me and Caius around. So I know that I am safe in my choices. The Cullens have had enough time being the exception to the law and such actions do need to be taken. A sense of excitement tingled briefly down my spine at the thought of what is to come.

And if there is some kind of God out there, by the divinity before them the Cullen's would need to pray for Bella's salvation.

Carlisle Cullen

Jacob's screams were not welcome on the ears of the patriarch as he had to reset his bones back into place. Even as someone venom born to drink blood to survive, he was never fond of pain or the insistent torture that others of their kind would inflict upon their pray. Maybe it was his compassion. A gift woven into his very soul so deep that he had never had the taste of human blood. Or maybe it was just who he was, even before his transformation that allowed him to act as such. But it didn't take an empath to feel the worrying eyes of Billy Black as he had to wait for his son to recover. He worked as swiftly as he could in order for Jacob's biology to begin the accelerated healing process. But he was also aware hidden deep in the back of his mind that he would have to speak to Sam. 

Carlisle had never met a pair of vampires much like Adela or Caius. But he also supposed that he had not seen what they had seen, or felt the pain of betrayal that left scars so deep on their families' subconscious. Usually, Adela was far more agreeable than her husband, when Carlisle took side with the Volturi he often witnessed her be the one to sate his rage, but he couldn't be certain that he could appeal to her better nature this time.

"The worst is over. He'll be alright I gave him some morphine but his body temperature will burn it off soon, I'll come back to set up a drip" he reassured the pack as they crowded around Jacob's room. "Sam could I have a quick word?" and the leader of the pack nodded, he owed him this much at least.

They left the pack behind, closer to the treaty line before Carlisle began to speak. "After the battle today one of the Volturi leaders came down with the guard, this has never happened over something so small as an army of newborns before. Usually, the guard is dispatched to deal with the problem then they leave" He began, heart feeling achingly heavy as knew that ultimately his family have put the pack in this position, something that could have been avoided if they had just let Bella turn in the ballet studio.

"And what does this mean for us?" Sam cut straight to the point, face scrunched in concern.

"After the near-death of her mate, she committed genocide against the children of the moon in an act of vengeance for her mate's condition"

"Children of the moon? What like in Dracula" Sam seemed incredibly sceptical, while it was also clear he was piecing together the puzzle for himself.

"Yes, they were what you would consider in more traditional media to be werewolves. She, her mate and their children now have an ingrained resentment towards them as a result, although we know that you aren't children of the moon, she smelt you and your pack in the clearing as they turned to leave Sam, although she will not come to La Push without good reason, Bella and Jacob need to stay away from each other, just until she leaves" The patriarch finished growing grim and desperate in his explanation. He could not bear to live with himself if he and his family causes harm to the pack because of Edward and Bella.

Anger was now clear on Sam's face, but due to the leader's patience, he was not on the brink of shifting. "If she dares try anything Carlisle, we'll kill her" he spat in fury, hands clenching tightly together to ground himself.

"It's not as simple as that Sam" Carlisle tried to placate "Not only is she one of the monarchs of our world but so is her mate which leaves us at a disadvantage as that leaves half of the monarchy and subsequently the rest of the Volturi at her whim. Their children are also considered to be the greatest threat in our world due to their gifts. She has committed genocide once already Sam, against a race with far many more wolves than your pack. You may think you are ready to fight her but I guarantee you are not. It's just safer to not let Jacob see Bella until she leaves." He was practically begging now, praying, hoping that Sam would just heed his warning, for their sake.

"Fine. I want to know the second she steps foot in Forks and the second she leaves. I'll handle Jacob if you handle Bella" He agreed after a few moments of deliberation.

"Thank you, Sam, I'll be over with Jacob's medication soon"

and with that, the two leaders parted ways at the creek, both feeling the building dreed in their guts at the thought of what is to come. Both praying that nothing will come of the monarch's visit.

Thank you for reading~

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