{25 Hell Unleashed}

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Adela Volturi

His scent had begun to flow strongly now, such a repulsive and vile scent of wet canine and gritty mud, as if he had picked up the worst of what the forest had to offer. The trail just so conveniently enough ran straight through to the blood bags house. If I had to place my bet anywhere, the pup had grown tired of waiting behind pack boarders, clearly an organised tactic between their alpha mutt and Carlisle. Caius and I ran in sync through the dense tree line until we could see the Swan residence, Jane and Alec only paces behind us until we came across the culprit himself. He was rather worn down for a mutt, tan skin heaving with sweat only causing his stench to permeate the air thicker, suffocating and clogging as he stood pleading with the human. His hair was unkempt and eyes sunken, clearly the boy was restless and tired. His stature was the peak of aggression, shoulders pulled back taught and muscles straining, it was almost amusing. The arguing adolescents clearly were none the wiser to our presence as they continued to argue will little regard to their surroundings.

A tactical error

"Jacob please! You know you can't be here, not until they leave" she pleaded pathetically, eyes doe like and gleaming with unshed tears.

"Well, well, well, it looks like we have a rat in our midst and trying to hid from us too" I tutted with an overly exaggerated point of my fingers, feigning disappointment. But truly, this could not have panned out better for us.

"You!" Snarled the mutt, eyes shifting in realisation that he had been left exposed as his rage turned towards us, gaze flickering between out four faces as he couldn't decide who to settle on "You must be the 'royalty' Carlisle warned us about" Perfect. I pretended to look shocked as I 'took in' the information he gave us, but clearly the boy was so emotional that he didn't hesitate to shift into a wolf. It was a joke really, just how quickly the muss was to give into his base instincts, not a single rational thought going through his head. His height was just above my head but I wasn't scared. The children of the moon posed a far greater threat in their time.

"Jacob!" It cried from the front porch, clearly not knowing what to do as the beast began spitting and snarling, his growls sounding pathetic coming. From his shaking form. I felt Caius move closer to my shoulder, and I didn't need to look at him to know how tense his posture had become.

"Change back" I asked simply, he was going to play by my rules whether he liked it or not. "No?" I sighed "Very well then, Jane?" His bravado crumpled instantly under the immense power of Jane as he whimpered and writhed in on himself, desperately clawing at the dirt in some sort of attempt to escape the suffering. I payed no mind to the insistent screaming of the blood bag as I can only imagine that it was pleading for his mercy. I felt it's hand wrap around my wrist in a desperate attempt to grab my attention and it was now that I had finally made up my mind. I ripped my wrist from Bella's grasp causing her to stumble as I drew my attention towards her tear stained and blotched face. "What have you been told about my power Isabella?" I asked the mortal, ready to start the show. I felt Caius gaze settle on the back of my head, his eyes holding a sick sense of delight as he knew what was to come next.

"That you are a shield, both physical and psychic, and that you can also break down other shields" Bella stuttered out, thumbs frantically twiddling with themselves as she struggled to meet my face.

"Would you describe my talent as offensive by any means?" And the blood bag shook it's head, eyes glued to the floor. "Well I for one believe that power is only limited by the mind which controls it, your imagination and creative mind is where the true power lies, just watch" I commanded, forming a shield around the wolf. I lifted his body into the air by raising the physical shield under his body in an illusion of telekinetic power. I then brought the rest of the shield inwards towards his body slowly, crushing him ever so slowly.

"W-what are you doing to him!" She stammered, blotchy face somehow turning even redder than before she twitched as if blocking out the pained whines from her ears "Stop!"


Bella Swan

The second the phrase left her mouth Bella knew she was in trouble, words could not describe the sinking feeling in her gut as a nausea ripped through her stomach and ached in her throat. But instead of the searing pain that she was expecting she was faced with something far worse, a condescending and deeply rich chuckle that would haunt her nightmares, granted she would live to survive the encounter. Caius now turned to face her, standing with complete authority behind his mate, eyes watching her with a deep malice that she didn't even know could exist within someone and her heart plummeted to her stomach as she felt her soul leaver her body. She had never felt such fear in her life as she had in this moment looking at the small family clan before her, all four sets of eyes staring at her as if scrutinising her very soul. Bella almost felt weightless, as so ugh adrenaline pumped through her veins that she felt like she was no longer attached to the earth beneath her feet.

"I think there is something else we have left to show her, do you not think my love" Caius whispered lovingly into Adela's ear. She simply smiled up at him despite his eyes being glued to her face with malice, and held out her hand for his to take and suddenly the warning that Edward had given her when she went back the the Volturi painting for a second time flooded her brain.

Caius and Adela are far more dangerous than the other monarchs combined. While Marcus has been left to essentially rot in his own mind due to depression. Aro is only really power hungry in his pursuit of gifted immortals, he only really has a child-like enquiry of the world around him otherwise. Those two on the other hand have a joint gift, it's how they both killed the first child of the moon together after Adela slaughtered most of them in revenge for her mate. They and their children are dangerous Bella and with no regard for human life, it's why I didn't want you to get so involved with me to begun with. They show now mercy for breaking the law.

The last few words of Edwards warning echoed almost tauntingly in her subconscious as she looked at the flames burning mercilessly at their finger tips, as if they had been able to summon hellfire itself. But before she had another second to contemplate her own demise she was interrupted by an uncharacteristically jovial greeting from Adela.

"Carlisle our old friend! You have so much to explain for"

Thank you for reading~

Born in Flames / / C.  VolturiWhere stories live. Discover now