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Caius Volturi

Caius found that the simplicity of daily life within the Volturi suited him just fine. Most of the time the guard dealt with what small issues broke out between the other clans and nomads, and trials did not have to take place within the castle walls too often. However, the boredom that might seep through the cracks was often quickly solved, whether by said trials or by Caius and Adela being able to leave Volterra themselves. Caius deeply enjoyed the power that came with his position of monarch, the fear that the name Volturi carried, much like that of a nightmare. They were the boogiemen that haunted your children's every waking nightmares, the sweet whispers that would lurk around every nomads stories of the cryptic coven and the power that they held.

Except the Volturi where very much real.

Each rumour, each story, each tall tale could only elude to the great coven. No nomad ever seemed to truly believe until they were made to face the justice of the council themselves. Caius knew it would only be time before the story if the great Carlisle Cullen, losing his first turned son to the power of the law as he broke it for the last time. It would be a crystal clear warning. Do not reveal the secret of our kind to humans. The most important law. It would start off spreading to the Denali, as Carlisle's closest friends wonder about what happened to his favourite creation. Then it would continue to spread clan to clan across to their friends until they all knew of what had been done. It would all be far too clear. The Volturi do not give second chances. Yet it had only been but a month since the incident, a mere blink of the eye of most of the Volturi members. A seemingly insignificant event that took place, simply another successful trail.

But the dynamic of the monarchy had permanently changed from the second they stepped foot back behind the castle walls. Caius knew Aro like the back of his hand and he was not blind to anxious pacing of his black-haired brother. His ever milky crimson eyes shock almost unnoticeably as he fretted over the endless possibilities of what had taken place in Forks. Caius knew that Aro would be displeased at the fate of Edward Cullen, not matter how futile his attempts were at gaining the telepath into their ranks he had never truly given up on trying. He watched ever so perceptively as Aro took the hand of his mate when they debriefed him on their trail, eyes searching into what events Adela would let slip past her shield. Aro seemed to fly through so many emotions while outwardly showing almost none at all. There was the frustration that inevitably came with Adela keeping memories away from Aro, then the disappointment of the death of Edward. Thirdly came the anxiousness and fear, Aro knew just how little power he had to oppose the red headed vampire and her gifted family, but lastly came the relief, his dear friend Carlisle was still alive. Caius would never pretend to understand his brother's relationship with the blonde patriarch, he had only stayed behind castle walls for a mere twenty years before he left. Still it was easier to keep the peace this way.

But as Caius pondered in smug satisfaction at the fate of the Cullen clan he could not help the wondering of his eyes to the ever graceful actions of his mate. It was yet another trial-less day, one which finally let the Volturi leaders spend time to themselves outside of the white marbled throne room. A comfort Caius found himself longing for more than he would care to admit. But it was worth it, to watch the adoring gleam in Adela's eyes as she painted each methodical stroke of the oil soaked brush against the canvas. It was a flawlessly accurate image of the twins, slowly beginning to come to life under the oil paint.

He remembers teaching her the joys of painting. Art was a luxury few could afford when he had finally met her and the twins. It was these moments of peace amongst the chaos that Caius grew to love the most, he loved his brothers, more so than he would admit to himself even on the best of days. He argued and disagreed with Aro especially over matters that involved their previous coven members and of gifted individuals, but we couldn't imagine holding a grudge for too long. However, the serenity that accompanied time with his mate would always be Caius' favourite thing in the world.

No matter what would await him next in this life, Caius knew he would always be able to face it, after all he had his family stood next to him.

Thank you for reading~
This was supposed to come yesterday but I had my dissertation presentation and I think it went well, I am going to give my Jasper first chapter a quick once over and the story should be published very soon. I want to thank everyone who sits and reads each chapter that I put out and who continue to support what I write as it means a lot to me that people can enjoy the content I create.
Thank you all so very much~

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