distractions (h.p.)

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harry was so caught up with his half blood prince book for the past few days. it was really annoying you.  all you wanted was some attention from your boyfriend.

it was late at night, the moonlight shone through the window of your dorm, and much to your envy your roommate was fast asleep. you groaned as you decided to get up. 
you grabbed a small blanket and wrapped it around yourself, quietly and slowly making your way to the common room.

as you reached the bottom of the stairs, you noticed the fire place was on and someone sat in front of it. you walked closer and saw it was harry. you smiled to yourself and made your way sitting next to him. he noticed the movement and looked up.

"oh, hi y/n." he smiled briefly and looked back at the book. 

"harry don't tell me you've been up all night reading that." you said. his silence said everything. you sighed and turned your head forwards, staring at the warm fire.
you tried to occupy your mind with something else but all you really wanted was to talk to harry. 

"i couldn't fall asleep so i came down here." you broke the silence. the only response you got was a small 'mhm'

"aaand, i'm glad you're here." you turned to him.

"yes." he replied. you rolled your eyes.

"maybe i'll just go find ron, i always thought he was more attractive anyway:" your attempt to get his attention barely worked as he simply hummed back in response.

you had enough so you went on to plan b. you leaned over and kissed his cheek. he smiled but his eyes his never left the page he was on. you groaned. you decided to sit in front of him this time, leaning in again to give him a forehead kiss this time.

"thanks, y/n." he said. finally some words but that wasn't enough. you sat back and stared at him. honestly as annoying as he was being, the concentration on his face his was so cute. his eyes his lit up with curiosity as he read each new note. your eyes went down to his lips and you couldn't help but think how much you wanted them on yours.

finally fed up, you quickly ripped the book from his hands his.

"y/n!" he exclaimed but you gave him a quick kiss on the lips. his posture and expression his softened as he smiled. 

"can i have it back now, please?" he held his hand out. 

"no. pay attention to me first." you sat back and crossed your arms giving him a stern look. he sighed and stared at you. it was now his turn his to look down at your lips. in that moment he realized how he had been acting. he instantly regretted it and felt a strong need to be close to you again. 

"i can't say no to that face." he smiled again. you smiled back, satisfied with the attention he gave you. he leaned forward and kissed you softly. you parted after a few moments and smiled at each other. he stood up and reached out for your hand. you held it. as he helped you stand up and move to the couch instead. he laid back and you curled next to him, an arm around his torso and head on his chest. you basked in the comfortable silence until you broke it,

"what would you do  if i threw the book in the fire?" you asked.

"i'd probably break up with you." he replied. you instantly laughed at his response and he laughed back.

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