losing team (t.n.)

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I need a dominant and rude reader with Theodoro. The reader finished a Quidditch match and they lost, she was very angry and retaliated by fucking him the way she loved her boyfriend. He was more than happy for you to use him and take control.

ravenclaw was the bane of your existence in this very moment. as soon as the ravenclaw seeker caught the golden snitch, your blood was boiling. the walk back to the gryffindor locker room was excruciatingly tense as your teammates were either silent in disappointment or yelling on and on about the game.

after washing up and changing, you met your boyfriend, theodore nott, outside.

"hello, gorgeous." he pulled you in and gave your forehead a kiss. theodore knew how much you hated losing, and he could practically sense what was coming next.

before he knew it, the two of you were in your room. theodore was sitting against the headboard of your bed while you were on his lap, kissing him as you rubbed yourself on his crotch. you removed your hand from his chest and reach down to feel his hard on through his pants.

"you're so hard for me, theo. you know exactly what i need, huh?" you smiled at him and he slightly nodded as he let out soft moans.

"use me, amore mio." he said. you lifted your shirt up and pulled it off, reaching back to remove your bra.

"that's exactly what i plan on doing." you replied. theodore could not keep his eyes off your chest as your tits were set free. he reached up to hold them and gave each a lick while looking up at you. you practically moan out loud from the view itself.

"i need you to make me cum, theo. use that pretty mouth of yours to make me feel good." you gave him a small kiss on the lips and was met with his pleading eyes as you parted.

"yes, ma'am." he flips your positions so you are laying against your pillows with him between your legs.

theodore pulls your pants and underwear off, revealing just how soaked you are. he kisses your inner thighs, staring at your cunt. you grow impatient and grab onto his hair. you pull him closer to your heat and he eagerly begins to suck and lick your clit. you let out a whimper of relief.

"just like that, theo." you grip harder onto his hair making him squeeze your thighs and rub his crotch into the sheets.

you moan out as he uses his tongue to play with every part of your cunt. you open your eyes and see him slightly humping and completely zoned into eating you out.

"fuck, theo," you pull his head up so he looks at you. he mouth his glistening with your wetness and it makes you even more wet if that's possible. "i need to fuck you now." he smirks at you and pulls his pants off.

you push him over and climb on top of him again. you reach out for his cock and stroke his pre cum all over it before sinking down, forcing all of him inside you.

the sting of your lose was long gone.

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