love letters (h.p.)

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"will you be my girlfriend?"

those were the few words you never thought you'd hear from the harry potter. the wonderful moment happened only about a month in the past and you had truly felt like the happiest person in all of hogwarts. in your eyes, harry didn't even need to try to be a great boyfriend, spending time with him was all you cloud ask for.
the two of you had been friends before but you were already getting a lot closer. harry was completely in awe of you. every time he learned more about you and spent more time with you he couldn't help but feel giddy inside. every word, every touch, and every moment drove him crazy. harry wasn't very accustomed to romantic relationships so how was he supposed to express this to you?

"have you tried writing down your feelings?" harry gave hermione a questioning look. he was sat in the gryffindor common room on a quiet night with the two other members of the golden trio when he told them his inner thoughts.

"like a love letter?" he asked. she nodded. ron on the other hand simply laughed.

"imagine harry of all people writing a love letter. i never thought i'd see the day come." he snickered. harry rolled his eyes and shook his head as he thought over the idea.

"you're acting like you'd be any good at writing one ron, you can write a coherent essay." hermione said. ron frowned at her.

"you're not the only smart person in this school, mione. i could write one if i wanted." the two continued their bickering leaving harry to slip away to his dorm, neither noticing his absence.

"dear y/n, i think you're very pretty"
"dear y/n, you are brilliant"
"dear y/n, you have a nice as-"

harry groaned quietly from under his blanket as he stared at the trashed pieces of parchment that surrounded him. how was he supposed to write this letter without embarrassing himself? as he held the quill in his hand he had a different thought. instead of actually writing a letter to you and probably saying something dumb what if he just wrote exactly how he felt without sending it to you. he smiled as he scribbled on the parchment.

and that's exactly what he did. for the next few days he wrote down all his feelings for you. they were short and simple but meant everything to him. any time you looked nice, made him feel nice, or were just your usual self he noted. this caused him to accumulate many notes that he kept hidden away in his room.


"i'm freezing right now." you rubbed your arms attempting to warm yourself. it was a saturday afternoon and most people were off in hogsmeade but you stayed back with the company of luna lovegood.

"do you not have your sweater with you?" she asked. you shook your head.

"it's dirty and my other ones barely keep me warm." you sighed. "that's alright, i can get one from harry, he won't mind." you said your goodbyes to luna and made your way to the gryffindor boy's room.

when you entered, you smiled as you easily recognized which bed was his. you opened his trunk, remembering the many times he's reached into there for a hoodie. you found his favorite black one that you easily adopted as your favorite as well. you sighed with satisfaction as the soft material instantly warmed you up and gave a familiar scent of harry.

as you were about to close the trunk, you noticed a pile of folded parchment. you didn't want to intrude his privacy but you noticed your name written on one of them so you carefully unfolded it.

"dear y/n, you looked incredible today. who knew someone could make a school uniform look so good. you're gorgeous all the time and i hope you know it. love, harry."

it was a love letter. you smiled as you read it over and over. you grabbed a few others and sat on hid bed after kicking your shoes off. each letter brought a warm feeling to your chest.

"dear y/n, today you ranted to me about some ravenclaw that made you upset. i know you were in a bed mood but i love listening to you talk. i couldn't stop smiling. it was honestly very hot seeing you so cross like that. i'll make sure to 'upset' you more in the future."

"dear y/n, i've read books and seen a few muggle movies about romance and it always seemed silly. i never thought anyone could like someone else that much, let alone me, but i'm glad i feel that with you. you were one of my first friends and i thought that was enough for me. i've never felt anyone care about me as much as you do and i'm forever grateful for it. i want to spend every second with you. i think i love you."

that really did it for you. the smile on your began to make your cheeks ache but you couldn't stop it. harry meant so much to you and each word had you falling deeper and deeper. the door opened and you looked up to see him.

"y/n, hi." he smiled, closing the door behind him.
"harry," you got up and gave him a hug. he hugged back with a smile, still unsure what this was about.

"are you alright?" he asked. you pulled away to look at him.

"more than ok." you smiled. he then noticed the open trunk and the letters on his bed. oh no, you must've read them. his face instantly tinted red.

"erm, did you read those?" he pointed to the letters and you nodded your head. "i'm sorry." he said. you gave him a confused look.


"yeah." he rubbed the back of his neck. "some of those are kind of weird and creepy. i didn't mean for you to see them." he said. you leaned into him and gave him a soft kiss.

"i think i love you too, harry." he looked back at you making eye contact as his smile returned.


"yes really." practically cutting you off, he pulled you closer by your waist and connected your lips.
nothing could ruin the way felt about you in that very moment.

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