stress relief (h.p.)

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(18+ characters and readers please!)

warnings/content: making out, praise kink, switch!harry, sub/dom, mommy kink, oral (fem receiving), dry humping

(kinda cringey cuz it was my first ever smut...)

you were sitting in your bed, reading your favorite book when your attention was caught by the sound of your door opening.

you saw your boyfriend, harry, standing there with the key you gave him to your dorm. he locked the door as it closed and turned to you flashing a lazy smile. you smiled back at him and closed your book, marking where you left off.

"hi harry." you greeted him.

"hi love." he began to walk towards you and you moved to the edge of the bed, settling on your knees. you reached your arms out to him and he gladly wrapped his arms around you as you hugged him.

"you ok?" you asked him. he sighed and pulled away. you had your arms around his shoulders and he placed his on your waist, rubbing your skin slightly with his thumbs.

"not really." he replied. you gave him a concerned look.

"what's wrong?" harry shrugged.

"there's a lot going on and it just feels like too much, you know?" you nodded at his words understanding what he was referring to. you were in your last year at hogwarts and no one really anticipated the pressure the end of this year would have to offer. you and harry hardly had time to be alone anymore.

"come sit on the bed." you gestured to the side of the bed your pillows sat at and he nodded, pulling away from you to sit on your bed. you moved over to him and straddled his lap, leaning your head in the crook of his neck. you wrapping your arms around his torso and he returned the gesture.

"do you want to talk about it?" you asked him.

"no, i just want you right now." he lifted your head and you pulled back to look at him.

"i love you." you said.

"i love you too." he smiled as he pulled you in for a kiss. the moment was warm and comforting and you made sure to show every bit of your love for him in it. you lifted a hand to rest on his cheek and he softly put his on you chest near collarbone.

in almost an instant the energy of the room changed. harry bit on your bottom lip causing you to open your mouth and his tongue entered it, turning the moment into a heated make out session. his hand lifted to go around your neck, something he often did when he wanted more.
you loved the feeling but sensed he was slightly letting you have more control in the kiss than normal.

you and harry had talked about your likes and dislikes as soon as your relationship got to a more intimate stage. although he was always in the dominant position, he expressed that he'd like to try being submissive. the two of you never got the chance to yet but in this moment you decided to take the initiative.

you moved your hips a bit to get more comfortable but in the process harry let out what seemed to be a whimper. you looked down, breaking the kiss, and saw the print of his growing boner in his pants. you felt a bit of accomplishment and wanted to break the dominant front he still had up. you moved your head up and connected your lips again into a passionate kiss.

you grabbed the wrist of the hand he had around your neck and pushed it down. from that action he was clearly startled and you smirked into the kiss. you pulled away from his lips and placed kisses on his jaw. you moved to leave wet kisses on his neck until you reached a spot that made him groan. you focused on leaving a hickey there as you moved your hips against him.

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