shopping (g.w.)

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"hello. I had a idea in mind and I thought maybe u could write it. I read some of ur work and really like it.
so here it is: maybe reader is in love with george and is kinda of a tomboy/ grunge/emo (like with piercings and stuff idk I just wanted something more different) and they like getting along just fine and reader confess or george finds out about readers feelings some way and although he's not in love with reader he's still willing to give it a try and ask reader out
idk really do whatever u want with this. have a lovely day"

getting ready in the morning was always a hassle. your side of the room tended to get a bit messy and you searched through your clothes for an outfit. of course this would be easy if it was a school day, but today was saturday. you finally found something and finished off by putting on all your jewelry and pulling on your favorite doc martens.

you were nervous. there really was no logical reason to be, but you'd be seeing george. of course you saw the boy everyday but you were nervous to see him everyday too. you were pretty good at hiding your feelings since you were friends already but you had no idea how long you could keep it in.

"y/n!" you smiled to yourself as you saw george wave you over to where he sat for breakfast. you walked over and sat next to him.

"hello george." you said. he smiled. instant butterflies.

"y/n, did you get new rings?" fred leaned over and asked.

"oh, yeah." you held your hands out to the two boys.

"wicked." they said at the same time making you smile.

"i found them at this small shop in hogsmeade." you said.

"you should show me where next time we go." george said.

"we go today, georgie." fred said. and the plan was set.

later that day, you were walking around hogsmeade with the twins, angelina, lee, alicia, and katie when you recognized the same shop yup but your jewelry from.

"oh, george look!" you tapped him and pointed at the building. "that's the shop i was talking about." he smiled.

"let's go." he grabs your hand and walks in with you, the rest of your friends laughing and following after.

"i think these would look really good on you." you hold up a few rings to him and he tries one on.
"you have amazing taste." he says. you smile.
"your taste is pretty good too. it doesn't go unnoticed trust me." you replied to him. he smirked at you.

"yeah? you stare at my hands all day, do you?" he says and he's very obviously joking and you should definitely laugh back but instead it comes out as a nervous chuckle.

"um, let's look over here." you try to change the conversation but george can only think of your reaction. he's not quite sure what he thought he noticed was true so he figured why not test it out? he walked over to you.

"if you did stare at them i wouldn't blame you. they're pretty nice, don't you agree." he held his hands out to you waiting for your reaction. you looked at the boy's hands and yes. they were very nice to look at but he couldn't know you thought that.

"stop fishing for compliments." you replied.

"ouch." he dramatically said making you laugh. george never thought that you had feelings for him, but lately he found himself questioning if it was possible. your friends sometimes made jokes about you two being a couple but he brushed it off as just jokes. you were definitely one of his closest friends but he never imagined being anything more until now. being there with you, making flirty comments, and enjoying each others company. he wouldn't mind being with you.

"you should get these, george." you held up some rings that the two of you picked out and a few that you just picked up.

"those are perfect." he looked at your eyes and smiled. the sudden eye contact was alarming but you couldn't help but smile back. "y/n, would you consider going out with me sometime?" he asked.

"go out? like on a date?" you asked. he nodded.

"a date." he said.

"yeah, of course i will." he smiled and hugged you and you gladly hugged him back.

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