friends with benefits (t.n.)

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(18+ characters and readers please!
this one is .... yeah)

being related to the malfoys, even if not by blood, was not the easiest thing to experience. your biological parents had passed away when you were young and as they were close friends with lucius and narcissa, you were left with them. they brought you up as their own and for as long as you can remember you knew yourself to be draco malfoy's sister.

this label came with a perception of you being just as cold, mean, and cruel as your brother. most of the time you put up the impression that these things were true, but you knew there were many differences between you. for one you were definitely not as cowardly as him. your bite was just as bad as your bark, but you weren't a mean person at all. you simply were unhappy with the way people treated you.

your situation made it hard for you to find friends, although you tried quite often. this meant that draco's friends became yours. they would never admit this but they definitely preferred you over draco.

your group remained as you, draco, blaise, pansy, daphne, and occasionally theodore nott. theodore wasn't incredibly close with anyone in the group but he had a sense of respect for them. he was more closed off and to himself than the others. nevertheless he became a close friend to you. you definitely enjoyed his company the most, and he was great to look at too but you'd never admit that to one of the few people you trust.

when it did come to people you trusted, daphne greengrass made her way on that list after befriending you in your 3rd year. she wasn't very fond of draco even though her sister, astoria, seemed to be obsessed with him. you two bonded over the fact that if they ever did end up together you'd be sisters (in law but still).

you and daphne were sat next to eachother in the slytherin common room when you saw draco come down from his dorm. you called him over.

"what?" he asked.

"do you still have my potions work? i need it back." you replied.

"right, it's in my room. you did it right, i don't know why you felt the need for me to check it."

"you're doing so well in this section i just needed clarification." he nodded with a small chuckle. "so can i go get it?" you asked.

"yeah go ahead. the only one in there is nott." you nodded with a smile and he walked off.

"is that smile so big because you know who is there or..." you rolled your eyes at daphne's comment and stood up.

"i'll be leaving for my potions work now. i'd rather not sit here and have you tease me for something dumb." daphne laughed as you made your way to the boy's dorm.

before you walked in, you knocked softly on the door.

"it's open, blaise!" he called out. you opened the door.

"it's not blai-" you stopped in your tracks at the site in front of you. it really wasn't a big deal at all but there was theodore nott, shirtless, right in front of you. he was truly gorgeous and you couldn't pull your eyes away. you cleared your throat after a moment when he looked up at you.

"oh, hey y/n." he smiled. you smiled back slightly, still silent and still not moving. he was a little confused until he realized he was half naked.

"right, sorry, i should probably put a shirt on if it makes you uncomfortable." he made his way to his bed to pull one on before you interrupted.

"no!" you exclaimed. he looked back at you. "i mean, you don't have to. i'm not uncomfortable."

"like what you see then?" he chuckled. you wanted to laugh back to appear more calm but your face heated up because yes, you did like it.

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