comfort (h.p.)

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"and don't forget you all have an exam tomorrow. try not to fail." professor snap announced as everyone left the classroom. you sighed, collecting your things, and making a beeline for the library.

this week was hectic. it was only the end of tuesday and you already had 2 major projects to do and 3 exams you had to study for. you decided to dedicate your afternoon to being productive, hence the trip to the library.

along the way, a few of your friends did attempt to talk to you but you quickly brushed them off. you weren't trying to be rude but it seemed better to get a few things off your plate before relaxing.
you sat yourself down at a table and took out a herbology book, getting straight to work. despite the silence, the library was packed. it seemed everyone was busy this time of year.

before you knew it 3 hours had gone by. you were exhausted. your eyes were barely staying open at this point and just as you were about to shut them for a few moments, you were interrupted.

"y/n?" you jumped at the familiar voice. harry. you looked up at him with a lazy smile.

"hi harry." he smiled back but it quickly was replaced with a concerned look as he examined your tired state.

"i was looking for you for ages. how long have you been here?" he asked. you shrugged.

"a few hours i think." you replied. he sighed and began to close all the books you had out and put your parchment papers together.

"what are you doing?"

"you're coming with me."


"my dorm. no one's there at the moment and you need a break."

you wanted to argue but he was right.
as soon as you got to his dorm room you kicked your shoes off and laid down on his bed. he sat next to you and shifted your position so your head was now in his lap. in the few silent moments that went by your mind was still racing. you had only managed to finish work for one class and you wanted to accomplish more than that but you were so goddamn exhausted. you felt your throat tighten up as hot tears went down your face.

harry noticed the wet spot on his leg and looked down to see you wiping your face.

"are you alright, y/n?" you jumped up.

"i'm so sorry." your voice was shaky as you looked down at the mess your tears made only making them come down faster.

"no it's ok." harry instantly pulled you into a hug, hesitantly rubbing your back. he noticed you relax in his arms and held you a bit tighter.

"what's wrong?"

"everything is just too much." you pulled away for a moment, holding on to his hand. "i have so much work to do and all i want to do is sleep." you laughed softly.

"then you should sleep." he rubbed your hand with his thumb.

"but professor snape's exam is tomorrow and i barely studied."

"we have lunch before then right?"


"then you can study the rest with me, ron, and hermione. it's better if you give yourself rest right now." you nodded at his words. he was right. you could rest for now, study tomorrow, and finish your work throughout the week. you wiped your eyes with a smile and looked at him.

"i love you." you hugged him. "so much."

"i love you too."

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