sleepover (g.w.)

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A smut one shot with George Weasley x femreader - one bed trope, enemies to lovers, angry confessions kinda thing would be soo good if you're up for it.

george stared at the back of your head as he laid in his bed. how did he end up stuck in a bed with the one person he did not want to see during his winter holiday. the two of you were alone for the night as fred opted to sleep in the living room due to his cold and ginny's room was occupied by her and hermione.

you kept your eyes closed attempting to fall asleep but it was no use. george thought the slowness of your breathing and lack of movement was a clear indicator of you being sound asleep. he continued to stare.

as much as george disliked you, he couldn't help but replay memories of you in his head. he remembered the way you looked as you came out of the shower with your skin still slightly moist and soft from your lotion. before you pulled on a hoodie for bed, you wore a tight tank top and the smallest shorts he'd ever seen. you had even bent over almost exposing yourself. you were undeniably beautiful and he couldn't help but think of the things he'd like to do to you if he didn't hate you.

his mind drove him crazy and now he had an annoyingly hard problem in his pants. he didn't want to jerk himself with you right there but he figured a touch wouldn't hurt.

he reached down into his pants and touched his tip to feel his pre cum. he spread it over his tip and held back a moan. all he could think about was how nice it would be to touch you as your scent filled his lungs, you being right next to him.

"fuck." he whispered as he touched himself a little faster. this got your attention. your eyes opened and you heard little movements from george. you slowly turned and saw his hand down his pants with his eyes squeezed shut.

"george?" you whispered shouted. his eyes widened and he froze, looking over to you. "what the bloody hell are you doing?" you ask.

"i- i just, um." his face burned red.

"you just decided to start jerking off right next to me?" you sat up and scooted slightly away from him.

"y/n, i'm sorry it was-" but you interrupted him.

"don't even. what the fuck were you even thinking about that made you this horny?" you crossed your arms. "probably something stupid like a dirty magazine i bet you have or something. you're such a perv i bet you're addicted and just couldn't go one night without touching your-"

"it was you!" he almost shouted. it was your turn to be silent now. "oh my fuck, you're annoying." he leaned back on his pillow.

"what do you mean, it was me?" you asked.

"i couldn't get you and your stupid soft skin out of my head." he mumbled. as much as you disliked george you couldn't deny finding him attractive.

the two of you stared at each other in momentary silence. you didn't know what to say. should you yell at him? tell him how disgusting he is? completely leave the room? you weren't sure but the way he was staring you down with the moon shining through the window was driving you crazy.

before you knew it, you were laid on your back, chasing george's lips as he parted them from yours. he gave you a smirk as he lifted your hoodie up and off your body.

"so bloody hot." he whispered. you held back a small whimper and watched as he left kisses around your neck, collarbone, and down closer towards your chest.

george did not hesitate to pull your straps down, exposing your tits for him. he looked up at you.

"this ok?" he asked. you nodded.

"yes. get on with it, george." he smiled at you and obeyed. his kisses spread to every inch of your chest and down your torso. you played with his hair and pulled on it as he got closer and closer to where you needed him most.

george pulled your shorts off to reveal how wet you were.

"all wet for me, love?" his voice was low and rough and it sent flutters to your core. george leaned back over you so your faces were close  and placed his fingers on your lips. "suck on them for me."

you did as he said, sucking on his fingers while staring right at him. he bit his lip as he watched you, and took his fingers out of your mouth. he then reached down and slowly pushed his fingers inside you.

"fuck, george." you closed your eyes and moaned out. he moved his fingers in and out if you making you wetter and wetter. he loved the way you looked, whimpering under him as he made you feel good. he leaned down to kiss you and you reciprocated. your sounds were muffled by his mouth and you reached down to rub your clit.

you could feel yourself getting closer and closer but you wanted all of him. you broke the kiss to look at him.

"i need you, please." he smiled down at you.

"i'm right here, y/n. what do you need?" his fingers kept going.

"pl- please," you whimpered again. "fuck me, george. i need you inside of me."

"never thought i'd hear those words from you." he said as he began to pull off his pants. you smiled and rolled your eyes at him.

"hurry up and fuck me."

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