dating harry (h.p.)

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(nsfw at end)

- so in the beginning he's kinda awkward
- but it's cute of course
- like he's had a crush on you since forever and now you're finally together
- he doesn't wanna mess it up

- he uses whatever pet names you're comfortable with
- (imagine him using darling, love, MY love, bye....)

- but as the relationship progresses he's a lot more himself quickly

- now this dude's leo sun is acting up

- a lot of cheeky flirting

- he notices whatever affect he has on you and uses it to his advantage
- like for example if you told him you like how he looks in red he'd make sure to wear red any opportunity he had

- he pays close attention to whatever/whoever he's interested in

- a lot of pouting and puppy eyes to get his way

- any classes you have together he'd sit next to you and whisper flirty things in your ear

- he sets up small dates
- probably like will use any excuse to have a date
- study date
- lunch date
- hogsmeade date
-imagine going on a little picnic with harry omg

- he can be clingy because he's so scared of losing you like he does everyone else he loves
- but also he can get distant because he's not used to feeling loved and wanted (thanks a lot dursley's)

- the best hugs ever
-just want a hug from harry that's it

- cheek kisses <3
-i head canon harry as 5'11-6'0 (pretty sure that's his book height) so if you were way shorter (or even a little bit) leaning down for forehead kisses !!!!

- so i just know harry sleeps on his back (scary asf)
- so cuddling would be like that typical your head on his chest, arm on his chest/torso, and leg over his with him holding your waist or hand
- but also he loves spooning
- big spoon because he can physically hold your presence and is aware you're there
- little spoon so you can play with his hair and he feels so protected with your heartbeat on his back

- he'd get so interested in anything you are passionate about
- loves just listening to you talk

- pda isn't a big deal
- hand holding is his favorite
- he'd only get really touchy in public if he felt jealous or noticed someone else eying you

- so harry has anger issues
- depending on the type of person you are it could cause trouble (i lowkey have some too so that's fun)
-you'd argue and get mad at each other but with time and patience you always come back because you simply can't stand being apart

- double dates with ron and hermione !!!!
- even if romione wasn't dating yet you'd still see them all the time

- OH YEAH harry uses being the chosen one to his advantage
- literally any situation

"harry stop, i said no already"
"but why? i'm the chosen one you can't say no to me"

- again pouting

- anyway, harry's a dream you can't convince me otherwise

- he's not vanilla so stfu

- switch energy asf
-he'd easily dom you any time he wanted
- but could also be an obedient sub

-ok i feel like he'd definitely have his bratty moments tho

- mommy/daddy kink!!
- if you're not into that then definitely using ma'am/sir/mistress/master whatever you're comfortable with

- lots of praise

- hair pulling

- would consider degrading only if you're into it

- loves the power being a dom gives him and his big ego
- but likes stepping back and giving you the control

- open to trying new things and learning

- i've heard of him having hard asf kinks (knife, blood, chocking, spit) so if you're into that.
- (personally am not💔)

-he'd never push your limits tho
-only what you're ok with

- loves after care
- loves to remind you how much he cares for you

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