help? (g.w.)

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(18+ characters and readers please!)

warnings/content: smut ofc, fingering, oral (f receiving), language

"I do it almost every night." angelina said with a giggle.

"babe, are you sure it's not an addiction?" you laughed with her.

"it's a healthy relationship with my body! i haven't as much since i started dating fred, though." she smiled. the two of you were sitting in your shared dorm room and the topic of masturbation sort of randomly came up. you were still somewhat a virgin, despite being with george.
the two of you have done everything from heated make outs to oral sex and even then, those things only happened a handful of times. he never pressured you to go any further. 

"I mean, I still do but sometimes I think it's kind of boring? it's just rub the bean a bit then boom I'm done, every single time." you sigh.

"have you tried fingering yourself?" she asked.

"it does nothing for me! it just feels uncomfortable every time i try."

"no way, if you really get into it, it's so worth it. maybe ask George to help you? I like it better from fred than myself." you thought about her words. it might be a good idea. you figured vaginal stimulation just wasn't for you, but maybe it was the position. or even you fingers being too short. there was only one way to find out.

you looked over at Angelina and smiled, breaking out into a laugh. "what?" she laughed with you.

"it's just that we're literally talking about our sex lives with our twin boyfriends. imagine if they heard us right now." the two of you laughed together.


you were laying with george in his bed, listening to him ramble on about his day as soft music from a record player he was gifted played in your ears in the background. you tried your best to actively listen to him, nodding and making small comments. you held his hand and stared at his fingers.

the conversation you had with angelina was fresh in your mind and you couldn't help but notice how long his fingers were. you softly played with his fingers, tracing over them and softly sighing  as you leaned further into his side.

george noticed how you stopped replying to him. he looked down and noticed how you seemed to zone out and focused on his hand. he chuckled softly and wiggled his fingers causing you to look up at you. "distracted?" he asked.

"just a little." you smiled at him and looked back down. "sorry, what were you saying?"

"doesn't matter, really. what's going on in your head." he asked. you shifted your position, turning so you're facing him and resting on your legs.

"I kind of want to ask you something." you worked up the courage to say.

"what is it?" he nods at you.

"ok so, I was talking to, um, a friend about..." you looked at him and saw how he waited for you to go on but broke your eye contact as you continued, "don't laugh but we were talking about masturbating." you looked back up at him to see his reaction and he had a small smirk on his face.

"I said don't laugh!"

"no, please continue. it's a normal topic I'm just wondering where this is going." he was clearly holding back a laugh but you ignored it.

"anyway, she was talking about how she likes fingering and it made me think of how I never really tried it because it's uncomfortable-"

"are you asking me to finger you?" he interrupted. you give him a blank stare for a moment.

"I was getting there." you smiled.

"that's why you were distracted by my hands?" he smiled back. you rolled your eyes playfully but nodded.

"I want to know if it can actually feel good for me." you reached out for his hand and held it again. "also, I've always loved your hands." you kissed his knuckles with a playful smile on your face.

"come over here." he held one arm out and patted his lap with the other which instantly made you move to straddle him. your arms were rested on his shoulders and around his neck as he placed a hand on your hip and the other on your cheek. he moved your face closer to him, pulling him into a kiss.

the kiss was sweet and passionate as they always were. the warm fuzzy feeling in your stomach grew as your lips moved together. you were eager for what was to come and pushed yourself closer to him, causing you to grind on his lap. you slowly continued to motion almost without george even noticing. he moved his hands under the baggy t shirt you wore. he felt your hips moving and softly rubbed the skin on your thighs making you let out a quiet whimper. he broke the kiss tome down to your neck, littering soft kiss all over it. you leaned your head back and closed your eyes, taking in the feeling. george put his hands back on your hips guiding you to lay down next to him like you were before and he hovered over you.

"can I take this off?" he whispered, pulling up your shirt a bit. you nodded.

"please." you practically moaned out. you helped him pull it off all the way and he kissed your cheek making you smile at him.

"you're so gorgeous, y/n." he leaned down to kiss your lips, then your jaw, then your neck and leading down. as he kissed down your body you felt yourself getting more and more turned on. you let out soft noises and watched him pull your shorts off. he looked down and smiled at the small wet patch on your underwear.

"I need you so bad." you said. he looked at you and pulled you underwear off. "I love how wet you are for me." he slowly rubbed your clit making you moan. he moved his hand and lifted it up to your mouth.

"suck on my fingers." you instantly opened your mouth and he placed his middle and ring finger inside. you swirled your tongue around them making sure to get the as wet as possible. if he wasn't hard already, he definitely was now.
he pulled his fingers out and went back to rubbing your clit.
"I'll start with one ok? tell me how you feel." you nodded at him and he slowly pushed his middle finger inside you. he rubbed your clit with his thumb and held your hand with his other hand. you didn't feel uncomfortable, but the pressure you felt was a bit more than when you tried yourself. he didn't move at first to make sure you were ok until you asked him to continue. he moved in and out of you and the pressure started to feel better. you softly whimpered at the feeling but wanted more.

"ok, I think I'm ready for two." you said and he nodded. george pushed his pointer finger in and noticed how you gasped at first. he leaned down and licked your clit trying to ease the feeling. you moaned and relaxed you leg muscles that were a bit tense, making him continue fingering you. he moved in and out slowly again as he moved his fingertips inside massaging you.
"please don't stop." you moaned out. he smiled and went on slowly getting faster.

George always knew when you were close. he felt you squeeze your legs around his head a bit and lifted his head to look at you.
"you look so gorgeous like this, y/n." you whimpered at the praise and smiled down at him. he smiled back at you and said, "please cum for me." you nodded and put a hand in his hair, pushing him back down to your clit and he instantly eats you out again. it all feels so good, being filled with his fingers reaching your g spot, his hot mouth swirling on your clit, and to make it better he reaches his other hand up to play with your boobs.

you feel yourself getting closer and closer and with a soft breath of "please, georgie-" the knot snaps and you moan out as you cum on his fingers. George slowly pulls out his fingers and keeps lapping at your clit while you ride out your orgasm. you have to pull him off of you because of the overstimulation and practically get wet again at the look on his face. his hair is messy and his mouth is wet and he's staring at you with a smile as he puts the fingers that were just inside you in his mouth.

"you're killing me, George." you sigh. he laughs and sits all the way up to lean over close to your face. "how did that feel, darling?" he asked. "so good. you have no idea." you leaned up to kiss him and he kissed back pushing you to lay on the bed.

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