potions class (t.n.)

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"omg since you said you were in the mood for theo fluff... can i please request some mutual pining, grumpy x sunshine, hufflepuff reader fluff? 🤭 where his friends are teasing him for being all happy around her since they started talking more and it ends with a confession or something?"

potions class was arguably one of the most interesting classes you had, but that didn't mean it wasn't challenging. you were assigned to brew felix felicis and you were finding it hard to simply start.

you looked around at the students next to you. your fellow hufflepuff friends seemed to be struggling a bit as well. on the other side of you were a few slytherins, draco, blaise, and theodore who you had only talked to a handful of times.

"doing alright, y/n?" your friend hannah asked. you turned to her and looked down at the potion infront of you as you replied with, "umm.. not so much?" you laughed with hannah as she told you about how confused she was herself.

you looked back over at theodore who was right next to you. you saw how he skillfully accomplished each step with ease. as if he could feel your gaze he looked up at you.

"do you need something?" he asked, causing you to look up at him.

"oh! sorry i just," you pointed to his potion, "i'm completely confused, how did you do that?" you asked.

without a word he helped you with the first step. he laid out everything you needed and mixed your first ingredients.

"just follow my lead." he smirked slightly at you. you nodded and followed all his movements.


"thanks for the help, theodore." you said as class ended. he couldn't help but smile slightly at your words. no one really called him theodore. it was always nott or theo. he liked it coming from you.

"anytime." he said and left to catch up with his friends.

the next few days you and theodore talked more and more in potions class. well, you did most of the talking, eagerly ranting about a book you read or complaining about an assignment you did bad on, whatever it was theodore was all ears. draco and blaise were completely shocked by this.

normally their friend didn't bother talking you anyone besides them in their classes. he kept to himself often dozing off or whispering to draco and blaise instead of paying attention.

but now his energy switched as he'd walk into potions. once he saw you sat at your seat talking to hannah his face lit up with a small smile. a smile draco and blaise never missed. he greeted you cheerfully and encouraged you to converse with him about any and everything.


"what did you get on the essay, theo?" pansy asked the boy who clearly wasn't paying attention to the conversation his friends were having. the group was out in the courtyard killing sometime during their free afternoon.

"theo? hello?" pansy waved her hand infront of his face after he didn't respond. he looked away from what was distracting him and looked back at pansy.

"what?" he asked. draco and blaise laughed knowing exactly what was happening.

"why are you two laughing?" he asked.

"a little distracted by someone, theo?" draco teased.

"a little more than a little bit." pansy grumbled.

"someone? who?" daphne asked. theodore rolled his eyes.

"drop it draco." he said.

"it's y/n. that hufflepuff in our potions class." blaise pointed to you, sitting under a tree talking to a few of your friends. how cold he not stare at you, he thought you looked perfect all of the time.

you turned and saw the group of slytherins staring at you and as intimidating as it was, you smiled and waved at theodore quickly turning away. he smiled.

"oh you're whipped." draco laughed.

"i knew something was different about you." daphne smiled. theodore gave her a questioning look. "you've been so happy lately."

"i don't know what you mean." theodore shrugged.

"you should see him in potions class, he sits right next to her." blaise commented.

"all he does is smile and stare at her." draco and blaise laugh some more, pansy and daphne joining in at the image of theodore nott being smitten.

"it's not that funny." he replied.

"it kind of is, mate." blaise said. "why don't you just ask her out."

"she doesn't like me like that."

"are you dumb." draco shoved his shoulder.

"no, she doesn't! she's just a nice person. she talks to everyone."

meanwhile, you and your friends, hannah and susan, were talking about none other than theodore.

"he's pretty hot, you have good taste y/n." hannah said.

"but does he actually talk?" susan asked

"of course he does. i mean, i talk more but he has a voice." you reply.

"and he's actually nice?"

"he is! and he's funny too."

"he hasn't asked to shag you?"

you squinted your eyes at susan. "no. he hasn't."
you had a feeling he might like you too, but you weren't sure. he'd sometimes give you little compliments or make flirty comments but everyone said he was basically an f boy. you found that a little hard to believe after getting to know him more, though.

"you should ask him out." hannah said.

"what?" you raised your eyebrows.

"y/n, i see the way he looks at you during potions class, there's no way he'd say no!" she said.

"do it now!" susan smiled.

"now?!" you exclaimed.

"now!" they both practically yelled at you, which caught the attention of theodore and his other slytherin friends.

"guys shut up! ok. i'll go." you stood up and nervously walked over to theodore with a smile.
theodore couldn't keep his eyes off you. he smiled once he caught your eyes and saw you were approaching him.

"guys, shut up, she's coming." he whisper shouted to the group.

you gave a small wave once you stood infront of theodore.

"hi theodore." you said.

"theodore?" pansy questioned but blaise shoved her to keep her quiet.

"hi y/n." theodore replied.

"i wanted to tell you something."
theodore stood up.

"you can tell me away from these losers." he placed his hand on your arm and led you away from his friends who were making teasing and making comments.

"i actually wanted to ask you something too." he said.

"really? what is it?" you asked. he shook his head.
"you first." he put his hand in his pockets and tilted his head with a small smirk. you sighed and fidgeted with your fingers.

"i just wanted to saw that i like you. like a lot, and i wanted to know if you maybe wanted to go out sometime? with me?" you asked. theodore was, for lack of better words, flabbergasted. he sort of froze partially because he couldn't believe you were asking him out and partially because he wanted to ask first.

"i was going to ask the same thing." he smiled. a wide smile, bigger than the small smirks he usually gave you. it was beautiful. "of course i do, y/n. i like you too."

you smiled back at him and gave him a hug which he instantly reciprocated.

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