yule ball (t.n.)

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"Hi could I request Theo x Slytherin reader where reader gets asked to Yule by Harry and Theo gets all sour and jealous about the situation until he finds out reader turned Harry down because of her strong feelings towards him 💚"

the news spread fast. harry told ron about his plan to ask you to the yule ball, but ron being completely unaware of his surroundings decided to shout out, "you're asking y/n?!" harry's eyes went wide and he covered ron's mouth.

"not so loud! we're in the bloody library." he whispered shouted. ron pushed his hand away.

"well i'm sorry but i never thought the harry potter would ask out a slytherin to the yule ball." he whisper shouted back.

"y/n is nice! and pretty, and i think she'll say yes." he said.

this news got straight to you of course.

"oi, y/n, you'll never guess what i just heard." draco walked up to you with a cheeky smile. you were standing outside of the great hall, about to join everyone for lunch. you let out a dramatic sigh.

"what is it this time?" you looked up at him.

"apparently potter is planning to ask you to the yule ball! hilarious isn't it!" he chuckled. your eyes slightly widened as you raised your eyebrows.

"he's asking me?" you, unlike draco, didn't hate harry potter, but you weren't exactly best friends. you had a few classes together and talked occasionally, even waved or said hi to eachother in the hallways, but you never thought he'd want to ask you to a dance. you didn't care to have a date and told all your friends that, but the truth was you had someone else you wanted. theodore nott had been your friend for a while, but just recently did you grow feelings for the boy. you believed there was no way he saw you as anything more than just a friend, so you settled for his friendship.

to make things worse, you saw harry stand up in the corner of your eye and he seemed to be walking your way.

"uhh, i'm gonna go." you almost whispered.

"what? why?" he watched as you tried to walk the opposite way of the great hall but bumped into theodore.

"sorry, y/n. where are you in such a rush to?" he smiled at you. you smiled back trying to hide ur current state of mind from your face.

"i just, uh, need to use the bathroom! see you later." the boys watched you quickly walk away.

"is she ok?" theodore asked draco. before he could reply, harry walked past them in her direction making draco laugh.

"potter's about to ask your girl to the yule ball, mate." theodore froze.

"he's asking her?" theodore's entire body felt tense. he looked down the hall and surely enough, there the two of you were talking. he hated the sight.

"theo? you look like you're about to punch him." draco said in a joking tone but the other boy did not laugh along.

"i need air." he walked opposite of you and harry to get outside, hopefully calming himself down.
the next day you walked out of your last class with harry, laughing at something he said.

"see you later, y/n." you smiled and walked towards the slytherin common room.

"y/n!" you turned around to see theodore walking up towards you.

"hey, theo." you smiled.

"so i see you're spending more time with the chosen one." he seemed to be teasing you but his face was practically hardened.

"uh, more time? it's nothing more than usual." it was silent for a few moments and you couldn't take the awkward air. "why, are you jealous?" you smiled up at him again.

"w-what? no. i'm not." he...stuttered? he never does that.

"chill, nott. i'm joking." you laughed.

"i just mean since you're going to the yule ball together it just makes sense." you stopped walking and furrowed your eyebrows.

"we're not going to the yule ball together." you said. theodore stopped and looked at you confused.

"but i thought he asked you?" he said.

"he did but i said no." you looked away, not enjoying the reminder of your dilemma yesterday.

"why would you reject the harry potter?" you looked at theodore again.

"honestly? i wanted to go with someone else." 

"someone... else?" you nodded. "who?" you stared at the boy in silence. there was no way you could tell him all you wanted was to be his, but the way he stared at you? you felt safe and assured and maybe, just maybe, he liked you too. if not you could always say it was a joke, right?

"you." his eyes slightly widened and a small smile grew on his face.

"really?" he asked. you nodded. "well then, would you like to go to the yule ball with me, y/n?"

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