dare (g.w.)

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"truth or dare?" angelina smiled at george waiting for him to answer.

"truth." he replied.

"boringgg." fred practically yelled at him.

"i've done five dares already freddie." he said.

"but i haven't given you a dare yet." angelina said. george rolled his eyes and you laughed at the interaction. you were hanging out with angelina, alicia, katie, lee, george, and fred.

"don't chicken out now georgie." you smiled at him. he looked at you and smiled back. with a sigh he said, "all right then, give me a dare."
everyone else attempted but failed at hiding their laughs.

"what's funny?" he says.

"nothing, don't mind us georgie." lee teased only causing the laughter to increase.

it was basically common knowledge that you and george liked each other. you were long time friends and flirted with each other endlessly but for some reason that friendship line was never crossed anymore than that.

your face heated up from the other's actions but thankfully katie spoke up.

"aw, leave him alone. they're quiet now." katie said.

"you guys are so annoying." you forced a laugh.

"ok, i have a dare." angelina said gaining george's attention again. "i dare you to spend seven minutes in the closet with y/n." she smiled. your eyes widened as you glared at her almost saying 'what are you doing?' without really saying it. she shrugged.

"good one, angie." fred said.

"oh mate, that's like your dream come true." lee said.

"stop exaggerating." he replied.

"you don't dream of being alone in a room with me?" you went back to flirting to hide your slight discomfort. george turned to you.

"i know you're just dying to go so why don't we?" he stood up and held out his hand to you. you held it and stood up too, walking towards your closet. of course your friends made their comments.

"don't have too much fun!" alicia exclaimed.

"remember we can hear if you're too loud!" said lee.

"use protection!" fred added. george opened the door for you and flicked them all off as they laughed before he closed the door. you turned the lights on and heard angelina say. "the timer starts now!"

you looked up at george and smiled at him. "we don't really have to do anything if you don't want to." you said. his smile back at you made you feel that familiar butterfly feeling you always had around him.

"but do you want to do something?" he asked. you opened your mouth to say something but nothing really came out. you wanted to look away from him but the way he was looking at you, you just couldn't. instead you stepped closer to him. it was quiet besides the muffled noise of voices from outside the door. george knew there were many missed opportunities for him to make a move on you, but here he was, staring at you as you stared back and you looked so good, irresistible in his eyes. the opportunity was right in front of him.
he lifted his hand and rested it on your cheek, his thumb slowly rubbing it. your heart beat quickened and you hoped he didn't feel your face heating up. then suddenly, he leaned in connecting your lips. you were so excited you almost forgot to kiss back, but you relaxed into the kiss as he gently placed his other hand on the other side of your face.

he pulled away but still kept his face close to yours as he whispered, "i've been waiting so long for this." your heartbeat quickened and more butterflies erupted in your stomach. you grabbed onto his shirt and pulled him down to kiss him again.

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