friends with benefits 2 (t.n.)

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again lolzies

"are you ready for this?" theodore whispered in your ear as you laid underneath him. you eagerly nodded your head.

"yes, please." you replied. he lined himself up to you and kisses you as you felt his hard-

"y/n! y/n wake up!"

your eyes shot open as you were met with daphne's face.

"daph, what are you doing here." you rubbed your eyes slowly sitting up.

"breakfast ends in 30 minutes so i was wondering where you were and i come in here to hear you whispering a certain someone's name." she smirked and you covered your face with your blanket.

"let me get dressed ok."

after you rushed to get your ready in 10 minutes, the two of you headed to the great hall. you were informing daphne about your theodore situation.

"so you've been hooking up for like a month now and it's never led to anything deeper?" you nodded. not only had he not expressed feelings towards you but the two of you had been making out and exchanging head (that sounds so weird LMAO) occasionally for a few weeks now and it never went beyond that. all that happened was the occasional fingering but you wanted all of him.

"there's times i think he might actually like me but anytime we're not, well... horny it's just completely platonic. scarily platonic."

"maybe he doesn't want to admit it?" you sighed at her words as you saw your friends sat at their usual spot.

"either way, y/n, you really deserve better. if he's leading you on i'll take care of him." she put her arm around your shoulders and you smiled.

"violence is never the answer."

you took your seat next to draco and daphne and greeted everyone.

"good morning, sleepy head." theodore, who sat across from you, playfully hit your foot underneath the table. you smiled at him.

"morning to you too."

"we were just talking about the halloween party tomorrow night." blaise said.

"hallowe'en feast?" you asked.

"no, the other party." he replied. a party was thrown in the slytherin common room for the older students every year. you were planning on making a short appearance and leaving before it ended but as everyone talked about their costumes you had an idea.

so theodore wanted to act as if the two of you had nothing going on? fine. you'd show up to the party in a costume he couldn't ignore.

the next day, you were in your room drawing whiskers on your face.

"y/n you look hot!" you looked up and saw daphne standing behind you through the mirror you were in front of and smiled at her.

you had decided to dress up as a black cat, basic yes but who cares you looked good. the costume consisted of booty shorts and an even shorter black tutu, a cropped v neck long sleeve, fishnet tights, black shoes, cat makeup, cat ears and a black tail attached to the tutu. you felt amazing. of course the effort put into your appearance was for your own fun and confidence but in the back of your mind you couldn't help but think of theodore.

"thanks daph, so do you!" you replied and admired her devil costume.

"thank you, now let's go." she grabbed your arm and pulled you towards the door out of your dorm room.

"okay." you laughed.

approaching the common room you'd think nothing was going on. it was completely silent until you two entered. a sudden wave of loud music, stinging smell in the air of alcohol, and warmness from body heat that embraced you. a smile appeared on your face as you waved to and greeted your friends.

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