comfort (g.w.)

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"George feeling sad about his owls and going to Y/n for comfort"

"y/n?" you heard the familiar voice of your boyfriend, george, call your name from the door of your dorm room. you were taking a mind break from school and reading in your bed.

you looked up from your book and smiled at george. "hi george." as he walked closer to you your smile dropped from seeing the upset look on his face.

"are you ok?" you asked him. he shrugged.

"just really needed to see you, love." he said. you moved over to make room for him and he laid down next to you. he wrapped is arms around your torso and rested his head on your chest. you gently played with his hair.

"how were the owls for you?" you asked him. you knew that george had been dreading this day. everyone was anxiously studying for weeks.

"i don't know." he sighed. "it was stressful. i'm not sure how i did." you rubbed his back as he talked.

"that's ok, georgie. at least it's over now." you said. he looked up at you and smiled. "what?" you smiled back. he leaned up and kissed you which you instantly reciprocated. he parted from your lips and kissed your cheek.

"read to me? i love listening to your voice." he asked you. you nodded and reopened your book as he rested on your chest again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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