confession (t.n.)

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more grumpy x sunshine theo x hufflepuff!reader please! fluff, but if you wanna add a lil angst in it too! reader is super sweet and everyone loves her (including the slytherine group who took her under their wing. i don't have anything super specific, but i love your writing and need more of this trope. 🥹 maybe he's grumpy towards everyone except her. anything haha!

a/n: theo is a little out of character here in my opinion buttttt him and the afraid of commitment trope just makes sense to me and it's ok to be delulu 🫶🏾

you and theodore nott had interesting relationship. the slytherin boy had asked you out on a date and you gladly accepted. your time together went well, but instead of having the usual second and third dates, the two of you casually hung out together.

theodore's friends did not mind at all. they liked having you around. not only were you one of the few hufflepuffs who didn't negatively stereotype slytherins, but when you were around theodore was less grumpy and mean. they all knew he had crazy feelings for you.

this fact was less obvious to you, however. theodore was known for his nonchalant, grumpy nature and you were aware, but surely it would change with a girl he liked? you began to doubt that he even liked you after the date.

"maybe he just wants to be friends. i don't know what i did wrong." you grumbled to pansy. she gave you a puzzled look. you were sat with her in the slytherin common room at a friday night party.

"are you joking? he definitely likes you. he's just not that good at expressing his feelings." she motions over to where theodore was standing. across the common room, past the crowd of students was theodore, draco, and blaise. as soon as you turned your head to look in his direction your eyes met. you gave him a smile and a small wave which he responded to with a slight nod and brief tight lipped smirk back. he then turned back to his friends. you rolled your eyes.

"y/n he has been staring at you this entire time!" pansy said.

"if he actually likes me he needs to make it more obvious."

the two of your drift off in conversation about school, music, and eventually the likelihood of your classmates becoming rich and famous. but now you were thirsty. you excused yourself and stood up to grab yourself a drink.

a few boys you never talked to were standing around the drinks but you didn't mind. you would get something and quickly go back to pansy. you smiled at one of the boys who looked at you as you approached. you grabbed a can and began to make your way back until he spoke up.

"y/n?" he said which caught you off guard.

"huh?" you blinked blankly at him.

"y/n, right? i'm andrew. from divination." he smiled at you.

"oh. oh! andrew, hi." you smiled as you recognized your classmate. "sorry, you look so different out of your uniform."

"yeah, you too. you look incredible." he said, looking you up and down.

"thanks." you awkwardly laughed.

your brief greeting turned into a full on conversation which theodore, who was watching right next to you, did not enjoy.

"y/n." you paused your conversation and abruptly looked up to the side of you to see theodore. you tried to hold back a smile.

"hi theo." you replied. he gave you a small smile then looked past you at andrew.

"i need to talk to you." he said looking back at you. you tilted your head a little surprised and unsure what he wanted to talk about, but you kindly looked back at andrew.

"i'll see you later?" you said. he smiled and nodded. you walked away with theodore, missing the disgusted look he gave andrew.

the two of you settled in a corner on the opposite side of the common room. you leaned against the wall and looked up at him. all he did was give you another smile and place his hand on cheek.

"you're so pretty, y/n." his words are soft and you feel your knees practically go weak, but where was this coming from?

"theo.." you broke eye contact making him lift your head to look back at him. "what did you want to talk about?" you ask.

"i just wanted you to myself." he shrugged. you furrowed your eyebrows.

"stop being mean." you grab his hand and lower it off of you.

"what are you talking about?" he's shocked at your words, you never sound this serious.

"do you actually like me?" you ask him. he stays quiet. "it's frustrating because i thought our date went really well but i don't know what we are right now."

"it did go well." he replied.

"so now what, theo?" he's quiet again. his silence is loud to you. in your head it's obvious that he has no interest in being with you, so why entertain him? you scoff and walk again, hearing him call out your name as you exit the common room.

"y/n! stop, please." he caught up to you and you turned around to him. "i like you. a lot. i want to be with you but i don't think i'm relationship material."

"what do you mean?" you ask him.

"you should be with someone that can guarantee you a good relationship. i don't know if i'm that person." you frown at his words. theodore was had a reputation for being with multiple girls and coming off as somewhat rude but you saw more than that in him. the entire time you've known each other he's treated you better than anyone ever has.

"i want to be with you, theo. no one else." you say to him.

"are you sure?" he asks. you grab onto the collar of his shirt and pull him closer, giving him a kiss which he gladly reciprocates.

"very sure." you say as you slightly pull apart, just for him to kiss you once again.

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