friends with benefits 3 (t.n.)

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(some angst??)

"thank you so much theo." the girl smiled at theodore and planted a kiss on his cheek before walking away. he watched her leave and furrowed his eyebrows. he wiped his cheek and looked at his hand, leftover gloss from her lips.

theodore wasn't really sure what he did to deserve it. sure he flirted with her a bit but that's how he naturally talked to anyone. he shook his head with a shrug and stuffed his hands in his pockets as he turned to make his way back inside. then he saw you. he instantly smiled and picked up his pace to get closer. "y/n!" he called out. you froze and turned around to him. you waved as he walked closer, stopping infront of you with the smile never leaving his face.

"where are you in a rush to, pretty girl?" he looked you up and down, sending flutters right to your stomach. you had to smile back.

"great hall. last night gave me quite the appetite." you turned to walk just there as he laughed but followed.

"you know, if you we were together you'd get that way more often." he replied. all you wanted to tell him was how much you wanted to be his, but the image of that girl all over him was a much needed reality check.

"we both know that won't happen, sweetheart." you attempted to joke along. he "pouted", or at least tried.

"aw, why not?" eye roll.

"because theodore nott doesn't do relationships." the group was able to hear this comment as you two sat down to breakfast.

"i've been in a relationship before." he defended himself.

"for a week." you scoffed.

"so? it still counts.. i think." he looked down at his food with an angry frown.

"what's going on here you two?" draco asked.

"nothing." you said at the same time as theodore.
the two of you looked at eachother then quickly looked away. daphne scoffed.

"yeah, nothing." she rolled her eyes.

"y/n thinks i couldn't be in a relationship.". theodore announced with a raised tone.

"she's sort of right, mate." blaise laughed. the boy

"thank you, blaise! i was only joking but your track record is proof enough-" theodore cut you off as he stood up and said.

"can we please talk. in private." your eyes widened and you almost laughed until you saw his clenched jaw and eyes that were practically staring into your soul.

"uh, ok." you stood up and followed a very pissed off theodore out of the great hall.

the boy was done. he didn't even care to check that you were still behind him as his mind was racing. how could you not see how much he wanted you? wether you said yes or not he had to let it out.

"theo, where are you going?" you said, catching up and standing right next to him. he held onto your arm and continued walking to the nearest empty room. he closed the door and turned to look at you.

"that was extremely dramatic." you attempted to lighten the mood but he didn't smile back.

"you have no idea how i feel about you, do you?" he said. you stayed silent. "i like you, y/n, a lot."

"w-well yeah, you like me enough to fuck me."

"no. don't push that fuck boy bullshit on me. i mean it." you furrowed your eyebrows and crossed your arms.

"then who was that girl that kissed you today?" you asked.

"what?" he crossed his arms. "you mean that kiss on the cheek?" he smirked. theodore loved the idea of you getting jealous over something so simple.

"she seemed to like you a lot." you mumbled. "but it's not just that." his smirked was replaced with a confused look.

"there's always other people that are all over you. what am i supposed to think if all you do is flirt with me then give me head and act like nothing happened after?" you stared right at him. he was silent. you rolled your eyes and almost went to turn around and leave until his voice stopped you.

"i don't want to hurt you." you looked back at him as he walked closer to you. "i'm terrible at committing to people and i don't want to do something stupid and hurt you."

"then don't be stupid." you gave him a small smile and he returned it.

"you kind of make me feel stupid." he laughed. "but i really do like you and if you're willing i promise i don't want anyone else other than you and if i act like an idiot you can call me out or dump me or whatever you want but please just give me a-"

"you're acting like an idiot right now theodore." you cut him off. "all you have to do is ask." he took your hands and let out a deep sigh, giving you a smile and looking into your eyes.

"will you be my girlfriend, y/n?" he asked. you leaned in and gave him a kiss which he instantly reciprocated. after a few moments you pulled away and smiled at him.

"that's all you had to say."

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