dress (t.n.)

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hii so i was wondering if you could do a theo x chubby hufflepuff reader? thank you xx

10 minutes. you've been analyzing every detail of yourself in the mirror for 10 minutes. you weren't usually this self conscious about your body but the dress you had on for pansy's birthday dinner hug you tightly in spots you weren't too sure of.

"y/n!" you heard theodore call out for you and it snapped you out of your irritating thoughts. you sighed and walked to where he was. your boyfriend was sat on the edge of his bed, dressed up and looking amazing. he looked up at you and smiled.

"hello, bella ragazza." he said. you gave him a small smile back and walked closer to him. he noticed. "you look amazing in this color." he pulled you closer so you stood between his legs. he kissed your hand.

"thank you, theo." you said. "i'm thinking of wearing the other black one instead." you say. he tilts his head and gives you a look of confusion.

"why's that?" he asks. you look down at yourself.

"it's more flattering, i think." you reply.

"stop, y/n." he pulls your chin up so your gaze is on him. "you look gorgeous in this dress." he runs his hands up and down the sides of your body and stares at your dress. "so beautiful." he leans in and gives your torso a soft kiss making you laugh. he stands up and kisses you.

"you like it that much?" you ask him.

"i love it." he replies. "let's get a spin." he lifts your hand up and guides you to slowly spin around for him.

"you know pansy won't mind if we skip the dinner and just give her a present tomorrow." he says. you laugh again and kiss the boy's cheek.

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