°Shopping With Jane°

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Key Words:
[Y/N]=Your Name
[E/C]=Eye Color
[F/C]=Favorite Color
[F/F]=Favorite Food


《No Ones POV》

A girl with long white hair with red eyes and pointy ears is sleeping peacefully at her comfy [F/C] bed.

Then, she woke up by the sun hitting her pale face. "Wakey Wakey~ Sunshine" A tall man with pale skin and wears a colorful suit with a top hat said.

"Good Morning, Splendor" The girl said to the man or splendor. "Good Morning, Brother said to get up, because breakfast is ready" Splendor said before walking out of the room.

The girl got up and went to the bathroom and when she looked at the mirror she has no reflection. Yes, she's a vampire.

She has a necklace that has magic to protect her from the sun. After she washed her face and brushed her teeth. She went downstairs to eat breakfast.

《After Breakfast》

The white haired girl was watching tv with a girl with pale skin black eyes and black hair known as. Jane The Killer.

"Ugh.... This is so boring~" Jane sighed while the white haired vampire hummed in agreement.

"You wanna go shopping?" Jane asked [Y/N] or known as Blood Sucker, "You know that i don't do shopping" The girl said in her usual monotone voice.

"Please?~" The black hair girl said while doing a puppy dog eyes, "Alright, but i'll ask slendy first" the black haired girl nodded.

The red eye girl walked to a hallway and knocked on the very last door in the hallway.

A faint 'Come in' and she walk to find Slenderman, her second lover. "Hello love, What brings you here?" Slendy asked.

"Jane asked me to go shopping, Can I go?" [Y/N] asked her husband. "Sure dear".

[Y/N] was about to leave the office when "By the way, my brothers are coming" Slendy added and the girl only nod.

《At The Mall》•

•《[Y/N]'s POV》•

Me and Jane were walking side by side in the mall and looking at some dresses in some store, mostly Jane.

"Come on [Y/N], Just try this one" Jane said showing some dresses infront of my face.

"Jane i told you i only wear dresses when trendy makes them" I said in my poker face "But [Y/N], please?" Jane said doing the eyes again.

"Ugh. . . Fine" I said and grabbed the dress and paid for it, "Happy?" I asked and she nodded with a smile.

《After Shopping》

When, Me and Jane was done shopping we went back and saw the brothers sitting on the couch.

"Huh? Sunshine!!!" Splendor said running to me and hugging me to tightly.

"S-splen..dor. . . C-c-an't. . . Br-e-athe. . ." I said and he chuckled nervously and let me go.

Trendy and offender then walked to me and hugged me "We missed you, dear" They both said in sync.

"I missed you, too" I said and let go of the hug and sat on the couch between slendy and splendor.

"What's on the bag?" Offender asked looking at the bag "That's a dress that jane made me buy" I said.

"But i thought you only liked my dress that i make you" trendy said "Yes i know, but jane did the eyes" I said.

《Time Skip》

After we ate dinner me and splendor decided to cuddle in his room, of course his other brothers get jelly.

"Good Night, Sunshine" Splendor said "Good Night, Splendy" i said closing my eyes and darkness consume my vision.


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