°Turning into a Baby/Kid°

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[Y/n's POV]

I was helping Evil make a potion of healing and we more like he keeps messing things up.

"Evil i think we should take a break" I said putting down a bottle of potion "No, no, no, no, no!" Evil said.

Evil put a green liquid to a reddish liquid and this time it didn't exploded "Good thing it didn't exploded this time" I sighed out.

"No!! This is not it!!" Evil yelled and threw the potion at me and it exploded in my face.

"Evil!!!" I shouted.

[Evil's POV]

"Evil!!!" I heard [Y/n] shouted at me "What?!" I turn around and i dropped the bottle i was holding.

[Slenderman's POV]

Me and the pasta's were having a picnic while [Y/n] was at Evils and we were in our human form just in case.

"Try this one uncle splendor!" Sally said feading splendor a strawberry cake "Mmm!" Splendor hummed in delight.

Then we saw evil "Evil, what are you doing here?" Trendy asked and Evil laugh nervously.

"I know that laugh, what did you do?" Zalgo asked "We might have a problem. Look" Evil said showing as the bag and there was.... Nothing.

"Theres nothing there, Evil" Masky said "What?! Where did she go?!" Evil shouted.

"Uh... Daddy?" Sally tugged my sleeve and pointed to a little girl that looks exactly like our wife.

[A/n: Just imagine that pic having a pointy ears red eyes and pale skin, remember your like emotionless and calm]

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[A/n: Just imagine that pic having a pointy ears red eyes and pale skin, remember your like emotionless and calm]

"Who tf is that?! And why does she looks like mom?!" Toby asked "Evil what did you do?" Offender ask.

"Uhm... I might have accidently threw a potion into her face" Evil said "What?!" We all shouted.

"Loud..." Little [Y/n] said covering her ears "Were sorry, sunshine" Splendor said carrying the little [Y/n].

"W-who are you?" [Y/n] asked "Oh right when she turned into a kid she will not remember her adult life, meaning she won't remember you and the rest" Evil said.

🌸 𝐒𝐇𝐄'𝐒 𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐃 𝐖𝐈𝐅𝐄 [ 𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐒 ]Where stories live. Discover now