°Childhood Friend°(1)

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[Y/n's POV]

Me and Nina were walking on the forest, slendy let Nina come since the incident of the vampire hunter.

"Mom isn't this pretty~? I think i could give this to Jill~" Nina said showing me a daisy flower.

"That is beautiful~" I said sniffing the flower and Nina giggled we then heard screaming.

Me and Nina looked at each other before nodding and i shape shift into a wolf and Nina hop on my back.

When we get to the noise we see blood splatered on the ground and i shape shift back into a human.

"This place stink!" Nina said putting her hands on her nose, when we get closer we saw a dark oak cabin with scratches all over the wall.

When we were about to get closer someone tackled me to the ground.

"Hey!" I heard Nina shouted i then heard a gasp i look to see a pale boy with black hair and red eyes.

"[Y/n]?!" He shouted in a surprise tone, he got off me and Nina went over to me and check if i have any bruses.

"How did you know my name?" I ask "I-its me! Zach, you know your childhood friend?!" He said and my eyes widen.

"Zach?!" I ask surprise and Nina was looking at us with a confuse face "I can't believe your alive!" I said running up to him and hugged him and he spin me.

"Me too!" He said.

[Nina's POV]

'Who tf is this b!tch?!' I thought as i stare at them with a confused and angry look.

A few mins later they let go of the hug.

"Whos he?" I ask "Nina i'd like you to meet Zach. Zach meet Nina" Mom said and Zach offered a hand shake and i hesitantly grabbed it.

"Hi! Nice to meet you! I'm [Y/n]'s childhood friend" He said and i nodded and we went back to the mansion with Zach.

'They aren't going to lile this' I thought.

[Y/n's POV]

Me and Zach keep talking about our childhood past while Nina was looking at Zach with a death glare.

We finally made it back to the mansion and Nina quickly come inside and i just chuckled.

"So this is where you live?" Zach asked and i calmly nodded "Heh. Your still the same blood sucker" He said using the nickname he gave me when we were just kids.

"Whatever. Bloody pervert" I said and he yelled a 'Hey!' and i just giggled at him while he puff his cheeks.

We both went inside and all the pastas were staring at us while Zach chuckled nervously.

"Mom who's he?" Hoodie asked and i loom at Zach who has a confused face "Mom?" He ask.

"Don't worry they call me that" I said and he sigh in.....relief? "Anyway, wheres the slender brothers?" I ask.

"Oh, they went to Zalgo to pick up Lazari, since Zalgo will be going on a trip" Masky said and i nodded and lead Zach to my room, since he doesn't have a room yet.

[Time Skip]

[Zach's POV]

Me and [Y/n] have been talking in her room for the past two hours now and, god i love that smile of her, i'ved love her when we were just kids, thats why i've been looking for her. But i wonder if she has anyone in mind.

"A-anyway [Y/n], are you dating someone?" I ask nervousely, hoping that she would say No.

Before she could answer we heard the front door open.

[Y/n's POV]

Before i could answer Zach we heard the fron door open.

"Come Zach, i would like you to meet someone" I said grabbing his hand in mine and he started to get red.

We went downstairs and saw the four holding lazari.

When their eyes landed on me they put lazari down to the couch were sally is and went to me.

They walked towards me and look at my hand and i got confused anf i remember i was still holding Zachs hand.

'Oh boy' i thought.

[Slendermans POV]

Me and my brothers blood started to boil when we saw a boy holding OUR beloved's hand.

"W-whos he?" Splendor asked hesitantly, but keep his voice into a friendly matter.

"Oh, Zach meet the slender brothers, Guys meet zach my childhood friend" She said letting go of his hand.

"Hi! Nice to meet you!" He smiled at us "Hi! My name is splendorman but call me splendor or splendy!" Splendor said.

"Anyway, [Y/n] you haven't answer my question yet. Are you dating anyone?" He ask and before our [Y/n] could answer offender cut her off.

"Yes, She's OUR Wife" Offender growled and he just smiled awkwardly "Anyway, i'll show you your room Zach" [Y/n] said and was about to walk off when i stopped her.

"Don't worry love, Masky can show him" I said and she nodded and i look at Masky and he nodded in response.

[Zach's POV]

'Those stupid f!cking slenders' I thought angerly in my room and my eyes started to glow.

'I need to get rid of them' i thought and calm myself down and went to bed and fell asleep.


[A/n: Part two? Anyone?]

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