°[Y/n]'s Genderbent°

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[Y/n's POV]

I woke up with a sudden headache, i went to the bathroom and change into my human form so i can see my reflection.

I washed my face and when i look at the mirror my eyes widen in surprise.

I. Turned. Into. A. Boy!!!

Then, i remembered last night.


[Y/n's POV]

I was getting ready to go to bed when i heard two people whispering.

"This is a bad idea, Rosey!" I heard a girl voice "Psh! Don't worry, it'll be fine lynn" I heard the 'Rosey' said to 'Lynn'.

I went into the shadows and look to find two girls in a cloack, i tackled the one who was close to me which was the 'Lynn' girl.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" I ask calmly "Rosey! Do it now!" Lynn said and i turn around to find the Rosey throwing a bottle with blue liquid inside and it crashed into my head.

"Run!!!" Rosey whispered-yelled and the both of them jumped into my window.

[End Of Flashback]

[Y/n's POV]

'That's why my head hurts' I thought 'But how do i tell them about this without them trying to kill me' I added and changed my clothes and went out of the bathroom.

'That's why my head hurts' I thought 'But how do i tell them about this without them trying to kill me' I added and changed my clothes and went out of the bathroom

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[Your Boy Form^]

I communicate to the slender brothers using my mind.

'Hey guys' I said through my thoughts 'what is it, sunshine?' Splendor ask 'Can you come to my room? We have a problem' I said 'Are you in your period?' Offender ask.

'What? No! Just come here please, and don't freak out' I said and they answerd a 'Yes'.

A few mins later i heard someone knocking on my door.

"Come in" I said "What is it-" Splendor cutted himself off when he saw me.

"AHHH! BROTHER THERES A BOY IN OUR BELOVEDS ROOM!" Splendor yelled "Splendor calm do-" I got cut of by offenders tendrils wrapping it by my waist.

"Who the hell are you?!" Offender asked "Its me, Your wife!" I said and they, of course, didn't believe me.

"Whats your proof?" Trendy ask and i sighed "You guys killed my childhood friend named Zach. Which technically i killed" I said and splendor gasp and offender put me down and splendor hugged me.

"But how did you turn into..... That?" Slendy ask "I remember someone last night, there was two of them. They threw a blue liquid at me and when i woke up i turn into this" I said.

"Do you remember their names?" Offender ask "Rosey and Lynn" I said "Ah, alright, i'll be back" Offender said teleporting away.

[Time Skip]

[Y/n's POV]

I was being surrounded by girls and i was getting uncomfortable, me and the rest of the pastas were just going to eat in Mcdonalds, When suddenly a whole lot of girls came rushing to me asking for my number and flirting with me.

"Hey! Get your dirty a$$ hands away from our mother! Uhh- I mean father!" Ben said and i sighed then we heard coughing behind us.

"Please stay away from him!" Splendor said pulling me away and putting me behind his back.

"Ugh! Whatever, lets go girls" A random girl said and they all went back to their stuff.

[Another Time Skip]

[Y/n's POV]

Me and the pastas were watching tv when we heard offender at the door with two othed voices.

"Let us go you pervert A$$hole!" I heard a girl said "Yeh you b!tch!" Another voice said.

"Offender who are they?" Splendor ask and my eyes widen to see a familiar face.

"These two were the one who turned [Y/n] into a boy" Offender said "Hey! Atleast she looks handsome!" The girl with light purple hair said.

"Yeah! And i just got dragged into this" A girl with white hair said.

"Are you Rosey and Lynn?" I ask and they nodded their head "Can you please change me back?" I ask and Rosey made me drink a white liquid and i quickly drink it.

The a white spoke appeard and i was back into my original self.

"Now time for a beating" The slender brothers said looking at Rosey and Lynn.

"RUNNNN! SISTAH!!" Rosey said and they were chased by the slender brothers while me and the pastas sweat drop.


[Rosey: *Pant* *Pant* Hey guys don't worry i am alive! And remember to vote for more!.

Slender Brothers: Where are you?!
Rosey: Ahh shi- I need to go. Buh-Bye!! And SEND HELP A.S.A.P]

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