°Jealous Of A Kid°

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[Y/n's POV]

I walking into slendys forest enjoying the fresh air, then i heard whimpering and sniffing.

I walked towards the noise and saw a little girl crying with her stuff buny animal.

"Are you ok?" I asked and the girl look at me "M-mommy *hiccup*... L-eft m-e.... *hiccup* a-and *hiccup* n-n-never... C-come b-back" She said crying harder.

"Its ok sweetie" I said carrying the little girl and wiping her tears away "Do you want to come with me? I promise that you will have a good life with me and my family" I said and she nodded.

We were now walking back to the mansion while i carry the little girl "What's your name? I forgot to ask" I said.

"M-my name is, lily" She said playing with her hair "W-what about you? And why do you have pale skin? And pointy ears?" She asked.

"My name is [Y/n] and i'm a vampire, but don't worry i only drink animal blood" I said "Your a vampire?! That's so cool!" She said and i smiled.

"I forgot to tell you, my family is different, let's just say there killers and have a terrible past. And my husbands are not human at all" I said.

"K-killers...?" She stuttered "Don't worry sweetie, they won't hurt you, i promise" I said and she nodded.

[At The Mansion]

[Y/n's POV]

I open the door and put lily down "Everyone come downstairs!!!" I shouted and a not even a second they came running downstairs or teleporting and lily hid behind me.

"What is it?" Jane asked and i look down signaling lily to show herself and she slowly walk out so everybody could see her.

"Omg! She's so cute~!" Nina cheered leaning down to her height "Who is she love?" Slendy ask.

"I found her in the woods, abandoned by her parents" I said and i saw the pasta's even sally surround lily and she was just giggling.

[Time Skip]

[Y/n's POV]

I showed lily her new bedroom "This is going to be your bedroom, sweetie" I said "Wow~! Its so huge~!" Lily said and i giggled.

I then walk towards the closet and picked a dress for lily "Here lily go change in the bathroom" I said and she nodded and grabbed the dress and went to the bathroom.

A few moments later she come out "Oh my! You look so adorable in that dress" I said pinching her cheeks.

"Hehe~ Thank you Mrs.[Y/n]" She said and i chuckled "Just call me mom" I said and "Ok mom!" She said and hugged me and i hugged back.

[Two Weeks Later]

[Splendorman's POV]

Its been a week since [Y/n] took in lily and i hated it. Its not that i don't like lily its just that [Y/n] has been spending so much time with her.

"I miss [Y/n]" I said "That stupid brat keeps getting her attention" Offender growled "I can't believe i'm jealous of a kid" Slendy said closing his book while trendy nodded.

We then heard laughing we went to the sound and peeked at the door and we saw [Y/n] and lily cuddling.

"Seriously?! Even that?!" Offender whispered shouted and we went back to slendy's office.

"Even she get to cuddle her~" I whined and crossed my arms.

[Night Time]

[Y/n's POV]

After i cuddled lily to sleep i was carried bridal style by non other than splendor and he went to slendy's room.

Splendor layed me to the center of the bed and slendy and offender went to my stomach while trendy and splendor was on my shoulder.

"What's going on?" I ask "You'ved been spending too much time with lily!" They whined even slendy "Don't tell me your jealous of an innocent kid" I said giggling.

"Yes!" They said and didn't even denied and we then fell asleep while cuddling.


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