°Tea Party With Sally°

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《No Ones POV》

"Jane, Jeff please stop fighting!!!" Slendy said seperating the two from killing each other.

"He/She started it!" The both said in sync pointing at each other "It doesen't matter who started it" slendy said putting the two down.

"Now behave" The tall faceless man said going to his beloved at the kitchen.

"What are you doing, love?" He asked and wrapped his arms around her waist and he kissed her neck.

"Just baking for splendor" She said and the faceless man nodded his head still wrapping his arms in her waist not letting go.

"Bubs, Can you try on my new dress that i made?" Trendy asked looking up to see that his brother is hugging their beloved and chuckled.

"Hm? I'll try it later, i just need to finish this for splendor" The pale girl said and the other faceless man, but, with glasses nodded and went back to his room.

"I need to go now, love" Slenderman said and the girl nodded and the tall man kissed her cheeks before leaving the red eye girl alone in the kitchen.

After a few moments of silence she heard splendor walking into the kitchen "Hello, Sunshine!" Splendor said happily.

"Are you done, yet?" The cheerful man asked and the girl hummed in response and the tall man claps his hands excited.

"Here you go" The girl said showing a, well decorated cupcake with sprinkles on it and a strawberry on the top.

The tall man exitedly ate one of the cupcakes and his eyes sparkled in delight.

"This is so Amazing! Sunshine!" Splendor said and the girl gave him a closed eyed smile, and of course, the splendorman blushed on how beautiful she is.

《Time Skip》

After that baking and wearing the dress that trender made, offender asked the girl if she could help him plant some flower, mostly roses, in the backyard.

And right now she is watering the plants, while offender was planting the roses or some [F/F], since the white haired girl loves the [F/F] flower.

After the girl was done watering the plants she told Offender that she'll be back and get some water for them.

The girl went to the fridge and get some glass of water to give to Offender since he looked pretty tired.

"Here" [Y/N] said handing Offender the glass of water and offender thanks the white haired girl and saying thay she can go now.

The vampire girl was about to go to her room or coffin when she feel someone grip her clothes.

She looked down to see Sally "What's the matter, Sally?" She asked and Sally shyly smiled at her "Can we play tea part?" Sally asked.

The girl thinks for a moment before nodding her head "Sure sally, I'm not busy anyways" She said which got the brunette to jump happily and dragged the white haired girl to her room.

"Wait here" Sally said going into her closet looking for something while the vampire only float around the room.

"Aha! Perfect" The red eye girl heard from the emerald eye girl, she looked to see Sally holding a red dress.

"Since your a vampire i thought you'd like the color red!" Sally said while the girl gave the little girl a warm smile. Like a Mother.

"Thank You, I'll change now" [Y/N] said grabbing the dress while sally wait patiently for the vampire girl to arrive.

《A few Mins Later》

Sally then heard her bathroom door open to see [Y/N] "You look so beautiful!" Sally said clasping her hand together.

"Thank You, Sally" She said and sitting down on the floor and they started to do there tea party.

《After Tea Party》

After the tea party [Y/N] put sally to bed since it was 9:30 pm in the night and it was way past Sally's bed time.

The white haired girl went to her own room and got into her black coffin and soon darkness consume her.


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