°Family Visit°(1)

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[Jane's POV]

Me and the others were peeking through the walls while Mom was walking back and forth in the kitchen her hand on her chin.

"What are you all doing?" We heard Offender ask and we look to see the four.

"Look" E.j pointed at the kitchen on were Mom was walking back and forth "What is she doing?" Trendy ask while we shrugged "She's been doing that for the past ten hours now" Jeff said.

"Sunshine, whats wrong?" Splendor ask "Huh? Oh, its nothing" Mom said "Then why are you walking back and forth?" Slendy ask while Mom sigh.

"Its..... My family" Mom said and we look at her "Whats wrong with your family?" Sally ask "Their going to visit" Mom said.

"Its not like its a bad thing" Nina said and Mom shooked her head "You don't understand, they still don't know that i'm married and my father and brothers are so overprotective of me" She said.

"Brothers?! You have brothers?!" Jill ask and Mom nod her head "Don't worry love, i'm sure they'll understand" Slendy said.

[The Next Day]

[Y/n's POV]

We were now waiting outside the mansion for my family to come. And it has been a few hours now. Until a white limo came in.

The limo parked infront of the porch and the driver went to the door and opened in which revealed my mother.

The limo parked infront of the porch and the driver went to the door and opened in which revealed my mother

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"Hello my little bat~" My mother said and pinched my cheek "Hello mother" I said and pushed her hand away.

"Ah! My little raven!" My father said and hugged me which i hugged back.

"Hello sister~!" My second older brother said "Hello Kai" I said and hugged him which he hugged back

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"Hello sister~!" My second older brother said "Hello Kai" I said and hugged him which he hugged back.

"Hello sister~!" My second older brother said "Hello Kai" I said and hugged him which he hugged back

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"Hello little sister" My older brother said and hugged me "Hello Keith" I said and hugged back.

"And who are they my little bat?" Mother ask pointing her fan to the four "Their my husband" I said

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"And who are they my little bat?" Mother ask pointing her fan to the four "Their my husband" I said.

"Husbands?!/Husband?" They shouted/asked "Oh my! You four are very lucky to marry my daughter" My mother said and clasped her hand together.

"Thank You, Ma'am" Slendy said "Please call me Mom" Mother said "When did you get a husband?!" Kai asked while he glared at the four.

"Behave!" Mother said and we let them in and sat on the couch while the pastas were at the kitchen.

"So what are your names?" Mother ask "My name is Splendorman but please call me Spendor or Splendy" Splendor said.

"My name is Trenderman but call me Trendy" Trendy said while fixing his glassess.

"My name is Offenderman but call me Offender" Offender said with his arms crossed.

"And my name is Slenderman but call me Slendy or Slender" Slendy said and my Mother nodded in response.

"Its nice to meet you" Mother said "Oh right my little bat i have to show you something" Mom said and i nodded and Mother went to my room.

"Please don't threaten them" I said "We won't" Father said and i walked upstairs and went to my room.

I hope that my brothers and father doesn't do or say anything stupid.


[A/n: Thank You guys so much for 600 reads! I appriciate it! And remember to vote! And check out my others book too!]

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