°Vampire Hunter°(2)

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[The Next Day]

[Y/n's POV]

I woke up in a cage with garlic alla round it. I then heard the basement door open.

"Looks whos awake" She said putting her crossbow in the table "Why didn't you kill me, human?" I calmly asked.

"The names Emerald" She said grabbing a chair and sitting infront of me "And to asnwer your question. I'm going to sell you" She said.

"W-what?" I ask nervously and she laugh "You have a really good body and all men what to use that" She said having this crazy smile on her face.

"I don't think my husbands are going to like that" I stated standing up "Hahaha! Their probably happy because they would never love someone like you" She said before leaving the room.

[Sally's POV]

Daddy, The pastas and Uncles were panicking since Mommy hasn't come back yet.

"I'm sorry sir, but i couldn't find her" I heard masky said and i couldn't quite hear what daddy said.

I then remember were mommy went, i quietly sneak out and grabbed jefferys knife, just in case.

I went back on where i last saw Mommy, i went straight and a few mins of walking i saw a cabin and a girl.

I took a closer look and hid behind the bushes.

"I finally caught that stupid son of a b!tch vampire" The girl said and i growled since i know on who shes talking to.

I saw a truck stop by and alot of mens with weapons come out of the truck.

"Finally! I'ved been waiting for hours now! Gaurd the whole area, i don't want anyone to come near this area" The girl said and the mens nodded their head.

"But boss, why didn't you just kill thag vampire" One of the man said "Because i'll sell her" When she said that i had to contain myself from ripping her limbs apart.

I ran back to the mansion which was not that far away from the cabin.

I opened the door to see them still panicking, i went to daddy and tugged his pants.

"What is it sally?" He ask "I know where Mommy is!" I said and they all stopped and look at me.

"Really?! Where?!" Uncle splendor asked "You wouldn't love this if i telm you" I said "Tell us now" Uncle offender growled.

[After Explaining]

"What?! That b!tch want to sell Mom?!" Toby shouted and i nodded my head "Lead the way sally" Slendy said and we went off to the cabin.

[Y/n's POV]

I can feel the cage moving and i can sense that my family is coming.

"Why so calm? Huh?" Emerald ask and i just smirked we then heard gun shot we look to see Masky.

"Wtf?! How the hell are you?!" Emerald yelled "Give us back our mom! B!tch" Masky shouted.

When he said that all the pastas come out "What the?! Kill them!" Emerald shouted to her mens and they started to fight.

I then saw sally coming towards me "Don't worry mom, i'm gonna get you out of here" Sally said and i saw emerald grabbed her arms roughly.

"Your not going to let her out you brat!!" Emerald said and my gripped tighten to the bars "Let go off me!!" Sally said and Emerald slapped her and my eyes widen and turned red.

[No Ones POV]

As the other pastas along with the slender brothers were fighting the minions of Emerald they didn't notice [Y/n]'s dark energy.

[Y/n]'s hair turned Black and faded to red and her eyes turned pure black as well.

"You. Hurt. Sally!!" She shouted launching herself to the hunter who prepared her crossbow.

The pastas heard the shout and they looked to see [Y/n] fighting Emerald, they were shocked that her hair was different along with her eyes.

"What happened to Mom?!" Jeff asked stabbing the last men "I don't know" Slendy said.

"I'm going to kill you if its the last thing i do!" [Y/n] said launching at full speed grabbing her pocker knife and stabbed Emerald at the heart.

There was blood on [Y/n]'s cheek and her hair turned normal again.

"Mommy!!" Sally shouted hugging the said woman who was by now tierd

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"Mommy!!" Sally shouted hugging the said woman who was by now tierd.

Soon all the pastas went to gave the white haired girl a hug.

"We are not letting you go outside alone from now on" Slendy said and [Y/n] can't argue since she was dead tierd.

Offender notices and carried the girl bridal style and they leave the dead bodies there to rot.


[A/n: Its a bit cringe but atleast i tried, the next one will be °Childhood Friend°, lets see what will this turned out, but anyway i hope you liked it and remember to vote and follow me, buh bye my little killers~!]

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