°Vampire Hunter°(1)

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[Y/n's POV]

Me and Sally were walking in slendy's forest, chatting some random stuff we could think of.

I suddenly smelled garlic and i growled "What's wrong, Mommy?" Sally asked "Sally i want you to go back to the mansion, ok?" I said and she nodded and ran back to the mansion.

I change into my bat form and fly to where i smelled the garlic.

'Please don't tell me theres vampire hunters until today' I thought.

The smell of garlic keeps getting stronger and stronger, until i have to stop.

I went to a tree amd change back into my human form and saw a little cabin with garlic all around it.

I then heard humming, i shape shifr into a crow and went to the open window.

I saw a girl with short black hair with green eyes and.

I saw a girl with short black hair with green eyes and

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[A/N: You can imagine what shes wearing]

I took a closer look on what she was doing and my eyes widen. She was making a wooden stake.

She was putting some holey water in the stake 'Great i have to deal with this' i thought and fly back to the tree.

[Emeralds POV] (The Vampire Hunter)

I was finally done making a stake and put some holey water in it so the vampire can die faster.

The reason why i hate vampires is that they killed my family and i vowed to kill every vampire in the world.

I was here because i heard rumors that anyone who comes into this woods gets killed, whats more interesting is that the person who died has bite marks on their neck.

I then saw a crow flying towards the tree near my cabin 'Was there a crow there before?' I thought.

I grabbed my cross and went out side to get some berries.

[Y/n's POV]

When i saw the human went out of her cabin i quickly went inside the house, i cringed when i saw some stake, cross, holy water and garlic all around the place.


I turn around and my eyes widen.

"Well, well, well, Look at the cat draged in" She said and i backed away since she has a crossbow.

I quickly changed into a bat but, oh boy she was way more quicker, she shot me in the wings and i fell into the ground. Hard.

My eyes begin to blurry and the last thing i heard was.

"You mess with the wrong family, vampire"


A/n: Do not worry there will be a part two maybe three?

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