°Broken Necklace°

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[Y/n's POV]

Slendy said that him and his brothers were going to visit Zalgo in his castle so i was incharge of the pasta's.

And, oh boy, it was hard.

"BEN GIVE ME MY KNIFE BACK!!!" Jeff shouted while running after Ben "CATCH ME IF YOU CAN B!TCH!" Ben shouted back.

"You two s-" I cutted off when Ben accidently tripped me and i hit something sharp.

I stand up to see them all looking at me and the floor "What?" I ask and Jane pointed to the floor.

I gasp and saw that my necklace that protected me from the sun was broken, and worst it was a gift from Zalgo.

[No One's POV]

"Look what you two did!" Jane scold the two "Its fine, Jane" [Y/n] said and patted Jane on the shoulder.

"I could just ask Evil if he could fix it" [Y/n] said and walked towards the door and went outside.

"Hisss~!" [Y/n] hissed and went back inside "I forgot that the necklace was broken" [Y/n] said.

"I can help you get to Evil, Mom" Jane said and [Y/n] nodded her head. Jane grabbed at umbrella and gave it to the white haired girl.

They started to walk off to Evil's cottage "What do you think when slendy found out?" Jane asked "I'm sure that he'll be mad at Jeff anf Ben" [Y/n] said.

[At The Cottage]

[Jane's POV]

We finally made it to Evil's cottage "Evil?" [Y/n] asked looking around and we heard something coming from the back.

"Well, if it isn't the vampire girl. What brings you hear, darling?" Evil asked sipping on his tea.

"Can you perhaps fix this?" [Y/n] asked handing Evil the necklace while Evil examine the necklace.

"Hmm. I can fix it but it will take a few days. Will that be alright with you?" Evil asked and [Y/n] nodded and we bid our good byes.

"What are you gonna do now, Mom?" I asked "I don't know, but i'm sure i'll be fine aslong as i stay away from the sunlight" She said and i nodded my head.

[Slenderman's POV]

"You did what?!" I asked furiusly "It was an accident!" Ben said and splendor calmed me down.

"Where are they now?" Offender asked and we heard the door open and we see [Y/n] and Jane.

"Sunshine your ok!!" Splendor said hugging [Y/n] which she hugged back "I'm fine splendor, besides Evil said that he could fix it in a few days" She said and i sigh in relief.

"And next time don't run around the house" I said glaring at Ben and Jeff and they gulped nervously.

[Y/n's POV]

Me and Sally were playing dolls in her room while the curtains were closed since Sally's room have more sunlight when its day time.

Sally yawn's and rubbed her eyes and i chuckled "Let's get you to bed" I said "Okie~" She said and i carry her to her bed and tucked her up and kissed her forehead.

"Goodnight Sal" I said "Goodnight Mommy~" She yawns out and fell asleep rather quickly.

I gently closed the door and went to the living room and watched some random tv shows.

I then heard foot step and i looked to see the four "What is it?" I asked "Cuddle" They said and i giggled and closed the tv and went to slendy's bed and we all cuddled to sleep.

[The Next Day]

[Y/n's POV]

I went back to Evil's cottage and he hand me a now fixed necklace and i thanked Evil and left.

'Finally~ I can enjoy the sun again' I thought and went back to the mansion.


A/n: I actually wrote this in 12:00 in the fricking morning :) So don't ask why the chapter is short.

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