°Date With The Brothers°

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[Y/n's POV]

Me and the brothers were at slendys room. Splendor sas brushing my hair, Slendy is reading a book, Trendy is sewing and Offender is on his phone.

"Sunshine, i was thinking of going on a date" Splendor suddenly said making all of us turn to look at him "What?" He ask "Why would you suddenly ask that?" I ask.

"He do have a point, we never get to have our alone time" Offender said while the others nodded their head i sigh before smiling "Why don't we go on a date tomorrow?" I ask which made Splendor cheered like a kid on his birthday.

"Yay!!" He cheered and hugged me from behind as i chuckled "I'll prepare my suit" Trendy said and teleported to his room along with Splendor and Offender while Slendy sigh and i went to my own room to prepare my dress for tomorrow.

[The Next Day]

[Janes POV]

We wave our good byes to mom and the brothers. They said that their going on a date today and they put Masky in charge. Oh boy.

"Are they gone?" Nina ask and BEN nodded "QUICK GET THE FRYING PAN!!!" Toby shouted and they chase Masky around the house trying to knock him out.

"KNOCK HIM OUT!!" Jeff shouted "LEAVE ME ALONE YOU BUNCH OF PYSCHOPATHS!!" Masky shouted while me and the girls were laughing our a$$ off.

[Y/n's POV] [Credits to: Lynn_creepypasta for helping me from this part]

Me and the slender brothers, well they are in their human form. We head inside the restuarant and sat in our seat.

"What food do they serve here?" I asked looking at the menu "I don't know, offender pick this restuarant" Slendy scoff "Ohh, offender did" I said sarcastictly.

"Whats that supposed to mean?!" Offender asked getting a little bit annoyed "Can you guys stop fighting? Were having a date!" Splendor ordered "Yeah and remember what happened last time" Trender exclaimed.

"What did happened last time?" Offender asked "Oh look whos acting all innocent now, like he doesn't remember what happened last time" Slendy said rolling his blue eyes.

"What did happened last time? I couldn't remember a single thing, did something bad happened?" I ask "Lets just order food you don't wanna know" Splendor said.

Trendy called the waitress to order our food "What can i get for you today?" Ask the waitress "Ummm... I want spaghetti with meat balls please, thank you" I smiled "I just want some salad, thank you" Slendy said.

"I would love some steak with wine please" Offender said "Really?" I whispered and he shrugged "I would love some spaghetti too! Thank you very much" Splendor said "I would love some lobster please thank you" Trendy said and the waitress nodded and left.

[Time Skip]

[Y/n's POV]

The waitress finally arrived with our food. He put down the plates on our table with our food in it, i said thank you and he left.

"Lets eat~!" Splendor cheered you took a bite of your spaghetti meatballs and hummed in delight "Like it?" Slendy asked "Mhm!!" I response in a hum "By the way we have a surprise for you after our date" Offender said.

"I can't wait" I said with a smile "Surely you can't" Trendy said "Its going to be a BIG surprise! Especially for you, our beloved wife" Splendor cheered.

We finsihed eating and we went home we open the door to see a horrible site. Masky was tied up and was knocked out with a frying pan that toby was holding.

"Oh your back so soon?" Sally giggled nervously "All of you do that again and all of you will go to the naughty corner" Slendy warned with a death glare "Fine we won't, Jeez" They all said as Hoodie untied Masky amd carried him to their shared room.

[No Ones POV]

The brother lead you to your shared bedroom and pushed you to the bed.


[A/n: Good luck on the next chapter guys! And credits to Lynn_creepypasta for helping me make this chap. And remember when i said that theres going to be a lime here, well, you'll see😉]

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