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"Elle come downstairs!" Mommy yells from downstairs. I jump up from playing with my teddy and walk downstairs. Mommy was packing her bag with everything she needed like my bottle, diapers, my blanket, clothes, my pacifier and some snacks. 

"put your shoes on." She says getting my pink shoes out. I try and put them on but they ae more uncomfortable then before. "Aww baby" she sighs when she looks at me. "You got them on the wrong foot" She says putting them on the right foot. "come on" She says holding her hand out.

I run up to her and hold her hand. We walk out and I run to the car. She locks the door and walks to the car. She unlocks the car and puts me in my car seat. She closes my door and gets in. She starts driving and turns on some music. 

"mommy?" I say getting her attention. "Elle" She mocks me. "Where are we going?" I ask. "We are going to a meeting" She says. "Oh. Why?" I ask. "Because I'm going on tour soon and we need to sort everything out." She says. "What's tour?" I ask. "Well its were mommy goes and does shows and we travel to different places to do the shows" She says. "Oh. Grandma showed me one of your shows. You jump like a kangaroo" I say. "Thanks baby" she laughs.

She parks the car outside this big building and gets me out my car seat. She puts me down and I saw a bird so I ran after it. "Elle! Come back!" She shouts when she notices me running away. I stop, look back at mommy, look back at the bird and it had flew away! How rude! I run back to mommy and she holds my hand.

"You have to keep with mommy ok" She says when I try to run away. "But I saw bird" I say. She walks through the doors and picks me up. "No down!" I whine and try to get out of her grip. "Hold on. I don't want you to run away or getting lost." She says. I gasp and shout "Fin Fin!" When I saw Finneas. Mommy put me down and I ran to Finneas. 

We go into this room with a big table and we all sit down. There were a couple people that walked in and since I'm shy, I hugged onto mommy. She rubbed my back and gave me my barbie. They start talking but I didn't listen because I was playing with my barbies. 

"You won't mind if I go on stage would you?" Mommy asks me. I shake my head and continue playing with my barbie. "Mommy" I say tugging on her shirt to get her attention. "Yes baby?" She asks. "I hungry" I pout. She goes into her backpack and gives me a bag of chips. She opens them and gives them to me. I start eating them and they were good.

Everyone gets up and walks out the room. We go outside and mommy lets me run around. Mommy, Finneas, Grandma and Grandpa watch me chase the birds around and run around. "Come on baby!" Mommy shouts. I run back to them and we start walking to this restaurant. We sit down at a table and order some food. 

We finish our food and we walk back to the building mommy parked at. We say goodbye and mommy puts me in my car seat and drives home. We get home and I run into my room. I continue playing with my barbies until it was time for bed. 

"Bed time" Mommy says walking into my room. She takes my clothes off and puts me in the bath. She washes my hair and wraps me up in a towel. She puts my peppa pig pjs on and tucks me in bed. She reads me a story before I drift off to sleep. She kisses my head, turns my light off and closes my door.

Words: 674

♥ Adopted by Billie Eilish ♥Where stories live. Discover now