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It was hot outside, like very hot. It felt like my body was melting! It wasn't don't worry but it was hot. Mommy said it was 100 degrees so she let me walk around in just my diaper so that I wouldn't be hot. 

"Mommy?" I say in a whiny voice while stomping up to her. "Yes baby?" She asked, turning off her phone so I know that I have her full attention.

"I hot" I pout, "I know baby, but unfortunately I can't do much about that." She says, "How about we go to target and get you a pool!" She suggested.

"Yeah!" I shout while jumping up and down. She laughed and we go into my room so I can put some clothes on. 

She puts her shoes on and my shoes on and I run outside to the car

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She puts her shoes on and my shoes on and I run outside to the car. Mommy puts me in my car seat and gets into the drivers seat. It was so hot in the car so mommy opened my window a little and put the ac on. She drove to target and parked the car. She got me out and put me on her hip because she forgot my stroller. 

We walked in and walked to the garden section. 

"You want this?" She asks holding up a box with a picture on an inflatable pool with a boy on the front. I nodded and she put it in the car as well as some pool toys like water guns and bath toys.

 We also got some groceries like chips, candy, ice cream because mommy said that we were going to have a movie night.

Mommy bought the stuff and we got back into the car and drove home. We got back and I got knocked down by shark licking my face. 

"Shark!" I giggle while rolling around on the floor and I heard mommy, grandma and grandpa laughing. I stood up and showed grandma the pool. "Can we fill it up?"

"Yep, ask grandpa if he has a tier pump." Mommy said so I ran to find grandpa. 

"Grandpa! Can you pump up my pool?" I asked. He nodded and went into the garage to get the tier pump so he could blow it up. 

We went into the garden and he got the pool out of the box and started blowing it up. I ran back inside and took my dress off. 

"Mommy can you get my swim suit?" I asked she said yes and we went into my room and I got changed into my swimming diaper and my swim suit. 

I ran out to go check on the pool and it was blown up!

"Is it done?" I asked grandpa. "Its not done yet, we need to fill it up with water." He said. I nodded and ran back into the house to play with shark.

"How does this girl have so much energy?" Mommy laughed. 

Around 20 minutes later, grandpa told me that the pool was done! I got my toys and me, mommy, grandma, grandpa, shark and pepper went outside. 

I got in the pool and the water was really cold! Mommy put the toys in and I sat down. Mommy sat down on the grass and went on her phone. I filled up my water gun and sprayed her which made her scream.

"Elle!" She screamed. She got one of the water guns and sprayed me. I got in and we started spraying each other until we were all wet. 

"Come in with me!" I shouted. She sat down in the pool with me, in her clothes. "Billie." Grandma sighed which made mommy and I laugh. 

She splashed me so I splashed her. We looked over at shark and he was sniffing the grass so mommy got the water gun and sprayed him which made him run around the garden. 

We were all laughing as we watch shark run around, getting sprayed by mommy. We decided to get out since dinner was almost ready so we got dried and got into our pjs. 

"Dinners ready!" Grandma shouted from the kitchen so mommy and I ran out of her bedroom and sat at the table. Mommy put my food on a plastic Elsa plate and we started eating.

Once I had ate all my dinner, mommy gave me a ice cream and we sat on the couch to watch a movie. I cuddle up to her and watched the movie until I drifted off to sleep so mommy tucked me in bed and kissed my forehead.


Sorry I'm late, its been an interesting couple of days and ive not had any ideas

♥ Adopted by Billie Eilish ♥Where stories live. Discover now