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"Elle! Let me get you dressed!" Mommy shouted as she chased me around the house. I ran downstairs, into the kitchen, and behind Finneas' legs. Mommy ran into the kitchen and slowly walked up to us. 

"Finneas, do you know where Elle is?" Mommy questioned him. "No, no I do not." He replied. "Oh really? Ok, I guess she isn't behind your legs!" She said, bending down to my height, behind Finneas' legs, and grabbing me. "Found you!" She shouted, with me screaming, kicking and laughing.

"Come on lets get you dressed." Mommy said, putting me down and walking upstairs. We walked into my room and she got me dressed into a comfy outfit for the plane. Mommy's tour was over now, she persuaded her team so we could have some time at home.

 Mommy's tour was over now, she persuaded her team so we could have some time at home

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"Elle, come and help me pack your toys." Mommy said. I jumped off my bed and started helping picking up toys and putting them into a bag. I ran around the house to check if we had left any toys, which we did, so I ran upstairs into Finneas and Claudia's room. 

"Hello Elle." Claudia said when she had noticed I had walked into the the room. She was packing and Finneas was washing his face. "Hi." I said wandering around the room and into the bathroom. I climbed up to the toilet and watched him wash his face. I picked up a bottle and threw it on the floor. Finneas picked it up but when he bent down to pick it up, I threw another bottle. He picked the bottle up and put it on the counter but I threw another bottle. I laughed as I watched him pick the bottles up over and over again.

"What are you doing you little monkey?" Claudia asked while laughed at Finneas. Finneas picked me up and put me down on the floor. I crawled over to their suitcase and took out a bag. I opened it up and it had one of those sticks that Claudia gave mommy. I ripped open and took the stick out. I pushed the bottom bit up and then a piece of cotton came out of it. I ran out the room with it in my hand to show mommy.

I found her in her room packing her suitcase. "Mommy! Mommy! Look!" I shouted giving her the cotton stick. "Where did you get this?" She asked with a shocked and amused look on her face. "Finn and Claudia's suitcase!" I said happily. "Jesus Christ." She said to her self shaking her head. She walked into the bathroom and put it in the bin. "No!" I shouted running into the bathroom to get the cotton stick.

"Elle you can't have that, I'm sorry." Mommy said bending down to my height and holding me from running away. "I want it though." I sulk, she kisses my head and picks me up. She walks downstairs and gets my teddy bear from the kitchen counter and gives it to me. I squeeze it and she walks back upstairs. She puts me down onto the bed and I watch her pack. She closes up her suitcase and Grandad takes it downstairs. Finneas comes down with his and Claudia's suitcase. Mommy puts her shoes on and my shoes and we wait for the mini van to pick us up. 

A couple minutes later, mommy picks my up from the living room floor and puts me on her hip. Everyone walks outside and gets into the van. The driver drives us to a big building and we all get out. Mommy gets out my stroller but she doesn't put me in it, she just holds me and puts her backpack in it. We walk into the building and there were paparazzi. I hid my head into mommy's shoulder and covered my ears as mommy rubbed my back, which helped. I felt mommy sit down so I lifted my head from her shoulder. We were in a big room with not many people in it.

"You hungry baby?" Mommy asked. I nodded and she gave me some chips. I ate them as everyone talked. I heard a man's voice through the speakers and everyone got up. Mommy picked me up and carried me to the scanning area. Everyone put their bags into a tray, I had to put my teddy into a tray which I didn't want to do. 

We walked over and handed over our passports. Then we waited for a couple of hours before the got up again and walked through a tunnel and onto the plane. We found our seats and sat down. We were in first class again. Mommy gave me some candy to chew while the plane took off.

Mommy and I cuddled while watching Minions until we both fell asleep. And when we woke up, we had to get off the plane. We did the whole passport, scanning getting our luggage thing again. We got into a mini van and it drove us to our house. Chris came over to give us Shark, Peaches and Pepper back. 

"Come on stinky butt, its bed time." Mommy said. I whine and got ready for bed. Mommy read me a story but I wasn't really tired so we talked a little. "Guess what?" Mommy said. "What?" I replied, "We are going to decorate you room!" She whisper yelled. "Yay!" I said jumping up. Mommy laughed and I laid back down. 

"I love you baby." Mommy said. "I love you too mama." I replied, she kissed my head and we fell asleep in her bed.

♥ Adopted by Billie Eilish ♥Where stories live. Discover now