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I wake up to mama tapping my shoulder and telling me to get up. "Come on baby, time to get up" She says. It was still dark in my room and normally mommy lets me get up when I want to get up, she doesn't normally wakes me up.

"Why we got to get up?" I ask. "Because mommy is going on tour and we need to get up early so we can go on a plane." Mommy said.

I've never been on a plane but I'm really excited!

I jump out of bed and run downstairs. Mommy had to chase after me. I jump up into my chair and wait for my breakfast. Mommy made vegan waffles so I was very happy and they were very good.

"You're excited aren't you." mommy said tucking my hair that was in my face behind me ear. I nod and continued eating my waffles.

I finished eating and ran back upstairs into my room. Mommy got me my outfit and got me changed. The outfit:

Mommy gets our suitcases and her backpack with everything she needs and I need

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Mommy gets our suitcases and her backpack with everything she needs and I need. We walk outside and I run to the car while mommy locks the door. I jump up and down waiting for mommy.

"Ok ok I'm coming!" She said walking to the car. she opened the door and I jumped in and she buckled me into my car seat.

She starts driving and after half an hour, mommy parks in uncle Finneas and auntie Claudia's house. She takes me out and I run to Finneas, who was at the door.

"hey Elle!" He said swinging me over his shoulder. I laugh and try to wiggle myself out of his grip. I hear everyone laughing and Finneas puts me down.

I run up to peaches who was playing with shark. One of Claudia's friends, Chris, was looking after peaches and shark while we are gone.

"Fin" I say waddling up to Finneas

"Yeah Elle." He said kneeing down to my height.

"Where we going?" I asked tilting my head like what shark does when mommy talks to him with her silly voice.

"Well we are to Europe so mommy and I can perform her songs." He said.

I nod and continued playing with shark and peaches. 10 minutes later, there were lots of suitcases at the front door and everyone was running around the house. Mommy put my shoes on and picked me up ,from the living room, onto her hip.

We walk out and mommy puts me in my car seat. Mommy and Laura sat next to me. I like Laura. Laura is Mommy's day-to-day manager. She is very nice to me and we always play together.

"Teddy?" I say to Mommy. She gives me my teddy bear and I hug it tightly. I hear Mommy and Laura awe. 

The driver drives us to the airport and we all get out. Mommy puts me in my push chair and pushes me through the airport. There were people with big cameras taking pictures of us. I didn't like the flashing lights. I started to cry and scream. I tried to get out of the push chair but I couldn't as I was strapped in. I put my head into my knees and I started pulling my hair and hitting my hair while I cried until I felt arms wrapped around me. 

"Its ok my love, its ok." Mommy said in a calming voice. She took my out of my push chair and held my head against her chest. She rubbed my head and my back. She kept telling me that I was ok and that she is right there. I stopped screaming but I was still crying. 

"Are you hungry?" Mommy askes. I nod and she gives me a packet of baby chips. I slowly eat them as mommy rubs my back.

I hear mommy sniffing and when I looked up, there were tears rolling down her face. I stood up and wiped her tears off her cheeks. She smiled at me and hugged me tightly. 

"First class passengers please board now." I heard a mans voice say. Everyone stands up and walks into this tunnel type thing.

We sat down in these cool seats, Finneas and Claudia sat with each other, Grandma and Grandpa sat next to each other and I sat next to mommy. Mommy gave me some gummy snacks so that my ears wont pop. The plane started moving and when I looked out the window, that was next to me, we were in the sky!

I became tired so I cuddled up with mommy and she put Frozen on the little tv. She rubbed my back as I cuddled my teddy and I laid on her chest until I fell asleep.

Words: 820

♥ Adopted by Billie Eilish ♥Where stories live. Discover now