a reunion

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I was in the kitchen making breakfast its been a few months since the remainder of the apex predators joined us. Blisk and Slone were quite entertaining especially Slone she the possessive jealous type of girl that makes talking to other girls a pain but it is hilarious when she goes off. but viper acts weird more so after the day they moved in.

Flash Back

I was showing Viper to his room as we were walking I decided to warn him of what he was about to see.

Y/N: Just so you know the last person to have this room she painted it pink.

I said opening the door to show him a pink room.

Viper: It's perfect.

He said, I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

Y/N: You're straight right?

I asked

Viper: As strait as a catholic priest.

Y/N: Ah pedophile got it.

I said walking away as he realized what I said.

Viper: Wait no that's not what I meant!

Flash back over

Now that I think about it he never changes with us and I caught him staring in my derection a few time all times I threatened to deck him.

???(tired): Morning Y/N.

The voice didn't belong to anyone I reconised. I turned to see a girl around my age with red hair and wolf ears wearing a white button up shirt.

 I turned to see a girl around my age with red hair and wolf ears wearing a white button up shirt

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I grabbed a pistol I kept under the table and aimed at her head.

???(Panicked): woah woah woah. Don't shoot it's me Viper.

Y/N(angry): Bullshit Viper is a guy and you sound nothing like guy.

She then touched her head feeling for something then felt around her body.

???(Panicked): Oh my god I forgot to put my armor on!

She yelled covering her face and running off pass Slone.

Slone: Don't go after her Viper gets embarrassed easily.

She said before I could run after her.

Y/N(shocked): Wait that was Viper?

I asked nearly dropping my gun as she nodded.

Y/N: I always thought she was a guy.

I said as a saltshaker hit my head.

Viper(angry): That's for seeing me with out my helmet jackass.

She said as I rubbed my head to ease the pain. After a while Sarah, and Jack came down to the table.

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