militia vs one of the atlas five

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After the atlas fives titan's reappearance, I was deployed with Jack cooper to investigate the wreckage of a recently destroyed militia base. There was nothing much to see except destroyed titans and dead soldiers.

Jack: What a mess.

Y/N: poor bastards never stood a chance.

I said nudging a body with my boot or what was left of the body.

Y/N: How many people were stationed here?

I asked just trying to keep it from being quiet.

Jack: 500 pilots, 2,000 rifle men 400 American soldiers 300 British 600 Russian and 5,000 German.

He said so in total we had 8,800 dead brothers in arms. A unacceptable number by my standers but there was nothing I could do.

Y/N: You think anyone made it?

Jack: Not really the Atlas five were known for not leaving any survivors.

Jack said.

Jack: So tell me why did you like the girls that rejected you?

Jack asked I knew this day was coming just wasn't ready.

Y/N: To be honest I don't know I guess because they were popular smart pretty and I was a hopeless romantic. I was a outcast in union no one cared for me except my family. In union they only saw me as a punching bag I only had few friends, and they were forced to stay away at times. I guess I thought we could work out, but I was wrong.

I said as we took to a room with a missing wall for a break unaware, we were being watched.

Jack: Ok so the hopeless romantic outcast get the guts to confess and get rejected but how the hell did you get those crazy chicks after you?

Y/N: Just because someone's a outcast doesn't mean they aren't listening. I did hang out with them as they used me for their own needs they talked about things they wanted there entire lives. I listened bided my time worked meaningless jobs to get the thing they wanted most to show my love. After I was rejected, I was expelled I thought of destroying the gifts or taking them with me but saw it as a waste of time.

Jack: So you think they want your love or what you can give them?

Jack asked.

Y/N: Don't know and at this point I don't care I lost my feeling for them a long time ago.

Jack: Think you would accept if you were still in Union.

Y/N: What do you thinking this is a fanfic where people who like yandere girls who bully reject or cheat on a person who gets defeated and sumit in the end. Make no mistake I hold a grudge and the only reason I didn't eliminate them was because I was in union territory but that doesn't matter now there gone.

I said as we failed to notice the pilot behind us.

???: Awww you actually thought you could get rid of us that easily.

We turned around at neck breaking speeds seeing a pilot wearing white. We were bringing our guns up to bear but this pilot already had her gun drawn. She gut-shot Jack under his vest as he went limp from the shock and booted me out the broken window. I landed on the ground from the third story as she jumped down.

Pilot: sorry about your friend but I can't have him telling your team until we can kill them.

Y/N: Who are you?

I asked getting up.

Pilot: I guess this helmet make's it hard to identify me.

They said pulling out the same neckless Weiss got from me.

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